O U T O F C H A R A C T E RName: (Or alias if you prefer.) Hermione Granger
Gender: (Self-explanatory.)Female
Age: (A rough idea is nice.) 14
How you found Potter's Army: (If your answer is Google, what you searched would be nice.)my brother showed me on google i dont know what he searched
Any other characters on Potter's Army: (Be honest. There is no character limit, just let us know how many you have.) nope
Have your read the Plot?: (please do
) yes
Have your read the Must read threads?: (Again, please do. For your own benefit) yes
B A S I C I N F O R M A T I O N Name: (Self-explanatory, include nicknames if you wish.) Hermione ( nickname Hermy)
Gender: (Self-explanatory.) Female
Race: (Human/Werewolf/Half-Giant) Human
Blood Status: (Pureblood/Half-blood/Muggle-born.) Muggle-born
Year AND Age: (Must coincide, eg. 11 and first year. Graduates just post age.) I dont know.... i guess 11 and first year
Preferred houses: (Canons state one, graduates state ex-house and originals state two - if an original character states one you might not get it. Sixth year girls please say if you would prefer Hufflepuff or Gryffindor as we have no more room in Slytherin and Ravenclaw.) any house is fine
Canon or Original: (Self-explanatory.) canon
Play-by: (Optional, but recommended. Remember to check the face claim to make sure you're celebrity isn't already taken.) i dont know what this means
A P P E A R A N C EHeight: (You can put tall/short if you're not familiar with measurements.) avarage
Hair: (Colour, straight/curly, etc.) brown, crly
Eye colour: (Self-explanatory.) blue
Skin: (Self-explanatory.) peach
General Appearance: (One paragraph.) Hermione Granger has long brown curly hair.
P E R S O N A L I T YSkills: (Minimum 3. List form is fine.)
- Reading
- Every subject ( in muggle and wizard school)
- punching
Weaknesses: (Minimum 3. List form is fine.)
None that i know of
Likes: (Minimum 3. List form is fine.)
Every subject.
Taking lots of classes
Dislikes: (Minimum 3. List form is fine.)
I dont know aout this one
Motto: (Optional.) Keep moving forward ( from a movie and part of something walt disney said)
General Personality: (One paragraph.) Hermione loves taking classes. She takes so many classes that she barely has time for anything else. When hermione has free time she reads or does homework.
Short Roleplay: (Whatever your normal roleplay length is, don't do it extra-long or extra-short especially for this application. You can skip this if it's not your first character.)
Hermione walked up to the arithmacy classroom, to find alot of noise. " Please be quiet!" the teacher said, " It is time to start todays lesson!" Hermione looked around the classroom as the professor spoke. As soon as she heard a question she shot up her hand as fast as lightning and spoke the answer. When class was over hermione caught up with her friends and walked to lunch.