Khaat had a great number of flats of fresh spring flowers delivered to her house early that morning, just after Rob left. Just at sunrise. She was up, and and magically altered her old clothes to be big enough to fit her and was outside, on her knees, cleaning weeds out of the flowerbeds. The ground was still wet from all the rain yesterday, and it was perfect for pulling out weeds. She had a black plastic trashbag she was putting her weeds on and a wheelbarrow nearby to periodically empty the weeds into. She could have done the work magically, but she preferred getting her hands dirty, getting into the soil. Planting, like cooking, was best done by hand. Muggle style. She had put a piece of the black plastic under her knees so the wet ground didn't make her wet too. Beside her was two thermoses. One of her beloved french roast. The other held hot spiced cider for John. She had two old ceramic mugs that were still serviceable but that didn't matter if they got broken or lost. One held her coffee, and the other awaited John Walker.
She sat, enjoying the fresh clean early morning air and the silence, and worked on digging out weeds and rocks, breaking up the soil and mixing it with peat moss and compost in order to make it ready for bedding plants. She had a lot of flower beds, but she wanted her house to be loaded with so many flowers that it was fit for any magazine cover, either wizard or muggle. She had painting she wanted done on the front of her house. She had a lot she wanted done. And there was no time like the present to get started.
As far as the painting went, she had started the scraper to magically scrape the trim and the doors. The rest of the house was stone, so that's really all the painting it took. Well, that and the gutters. She had paint and brushes out and was going to set them about repainting when the scraping was done. She hoped she couod finish all the flowerbeds in just a couple of days. And she was considering adding a couple of weeping cherry trees to her yard. Maybe some yard lights for the flowerbeds and walkways and some other decorations. She knew what she wanted. She also knew Rob did not have time to help her, much as he liked outside work.