Professor Tiquelle answered the class, saying "Ok, we will use Mariana's dream for today, as it is a dream, rather than a memory, and is easier to interpret. It wouldn't be fair to start with a hard dream." She watched Mariana, to make sure that she was ok with her using this dream, but she didn't seem to bothered. "Ok, firstly, this may be classed as a nightmare rather than a dream, as I am guessing Mariana didn't enjoy this. Back to the interpreting, the first step to an easy interpretation is is P.A.L. People, Actions, Locations. It helps you to understand the dream, and it isn't too difficult. This dream is a good example, as it isn't to complex, and has all three elements stated obviously. First, people. This also includes creatures. The devil is representing evil, hatred, all negative things in your life. You don't usually count yourself in here. Secondly, actions. This is the torturing. This is showing that you are feeling victimised or helpless in some way in your life. Thirdly, location. This is in hell, the home of the devil, the person who is victimizing you. Once you have those three points, you have link them together. Someone you dislike is making you uncomfortable in a place that is close to them, rather than to yourself, which makes it even worse for you. This shows you have been/are going to go somewhere, to someone that you're afraid of, and rightly so. A good way to stop something like this is to destroy the place, as it is something they can relate to, to take advantage of something they thought would enhance them
" she said talking about it over and over again.