Khaat sat on her bed, with one of Rob's socks in her right hand, and a man's ring in her left. She had gone to Romania and had gotten Rob's last magical tie to her. Charlie Weasley amazed her. She didn't understand how, as magnificent as dragons were, he could stand to be around them as close to them as he got. Dragons stunk, out and out. And their yarf and poop stunk outrageously so. But Charlie was nonplussed about the whole thing. He had searched with her through the fields that the dragons stayed in. They had started at daylight and had searched far into the night until they found Rob's ring. She, of course, would return his ring to him if he ever wanted it, but right now, she firmly believed it was not healthy for him. She had turned one of Rob's socks--one that had been missing a mate for a long time--into a portkey and had used it to get herself to Romania and back. And, actually, the stinky sock had helped her with a dragon that would have preferred to eat her as a snack. but the dragon smelled Rob on her and all of a sudden regarded Khaat as if he had found a long lost friend.
She had gotten out her jewelery box. She had cleaned up Rob's ring and it sparkled like new with the gold and rubies. She wished he wanted it back, but she believed that perhaps it was unhealhty for him to be tied to her in any way other than what his choice was. So she sat with it, having a hard time putting it in her jewelry box.