Howdy persons that have listened to the side note and have opened this up,
Right, as of late I have been really silly and sort of cut back on rp-ing and virtually killing my charries in the threads so for a while I'll let most of them be god-modded, because I love them so, and focus on Elijah. I have a semi-awesome/crappy plot for him in my mind because he has done a lot in his fifteen years which would make little old aristocratic ladies keel over and die. However I had a brain wave (shocking) and decided that Elijah should stop with childish antics and go down a path - TO THE DARK SIDE! He is a very ambitious character which doesn't feel properly appreciated and never has. There are a lot of things he doesn't know and I plan on basically shutting him down and making him something along the lines of a robot for the
Sith Death Eaters. (sorry I am obsessed with Star Wars as of late. There's fanfiction everywhere on my computer and it's getting' a bit much - hehe!)
(the other bit is crap)
Basically he's going to shut down compassion after a really bad letter from his mother and in theory that is what is going to push my poor baby over the edge. *huggles Eli* But before that happens he has to have a taste of what is to come for him and he has to actually like what he is going to become. He's got to be naive and see the Death Eaters as some kind of family so when everything goes wrong with him he goes to who ever for help and guidance. He's got to feel as if the Death Eaters are their for him when everyone else isn't so I need a strong couple of charries and writers willing to put up with Elijah's angst and my long posts because I know I will get carried away and cry because my baby is so sad. So, writers willing to post quite a bit and charries strong enough I suppose.
Now, down to the template which is probably all anyone is going to read.
How Many Characters You Want: 1-4 (Maybe even five! OMG! Five! My favourite number! FIVE!!!)
What characters you want: Fifth Years up preferably unless you're charrie is a good example of a Death Eater that will be able to be kind to Eli but have ulterior motives at the same time.
Level of RP: There needs to be some body to the posts so, please, no goddamn one liners they really, really annoy me.
What you want to RP about: Elijah's eventual turn to the
Dark Side Death Eaters and some of them trying to convince him that the Light/Order/PA/Whatever have betrayed him and they will be there for him. Eventually if they're good enough he will turn to them for help when he gets consumed by the evil I plan on sticking him in.
Location: Ideally I'd want it to be somewhere in Hogwarts if its going to be student DE's having a go but if its Grads + Students then either the Forbidden Forest or Hogsmeade.