Welcome to Slug &Jiggers Apothecary your number one stop for all things potion related. We carry a wide array of basic items, ask are manger for anything else you might need to put in your cauldron.
Basic items all items come in 5 oz increments
aconite--Extremely poisonous plant (hence its other name of wolfsbane). It is also called monkshood because the shape of the flowers somewhat resembles a monk's cowl. Scott Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs informs us that a folk name for the highly poisonous Wolf's Bane is "Dumbledore's Delight". Monk's Hood is recommended as both a very good story in its own right and as featuring both the positive and dangerous aspects of this plant. In the story the herbalist Brother Cadfael used the plant as part of an oil used to massage aching joints, but if swallowed or absorbed directly through any break in the skin, the oil could be deadly.
20 Sickles Acromantula venom--Almost impossible to collect from a living Acromantula, the venom dries out not long after an Acromantula's death, so the venom may fetch as much as 100 Galleons a pint
351 sickles armadillo bile--Used in Wit-Sharpening Potion.
5 sickles Ashwinder Eggs--Quite valuable, as they can serve as ingredients in love potions or may be eaten whole as a cure for ague. These uses are quite appropriate as Ashwinder eggs are so flammable that they will ignite a dwelling within minutes if they are not frozen as soon as possible
20 Sickles Asphodel--Powdered root of asphodel is used in the Draught of Living Death . This plant is traditionally associated with the afterlife and the underworld.
15 sickles Bezoar--A shriveled, kidneylike "stone" that comes from the stomach of a goat, protects from most poisons Actually a bezoar isn't a stone per se, but a hairball that looks something like a stone; in legend bezoars are indeed supposed to have the properties attributed to them.
25 Sickles Belladonna--Essence of this poisonous plant is part of a student's standard potion-making kit
4 sickles Bicorn parts--Powdered horn used in Polyjuice Potion.
16 sickles Billywig Parts--Dried stings
4 Sickles Black Beetle Parts-- basic beetles
1 sickle Boomslang Parts--Shredded boomslang skin is used in Polyjuice Potion. See also snake parts more generally.
8 Sickles Bubotuber--The pus of a bubotuber, properly processed, is useful in treating acne
6 Sickles Bundimun secretion--Diluted, this is used in some magical cleaning solutions.
3 Sickles Caterpillars--Sliced caterpillars are used in Shrinking Solution
2 Sickles Cockroaches--basic beetles
1 sickle Daisy--Chopped daisy roots are used in Shrinking Solution
3 Sickles Doxy Eggs--Black in colour, they were used by Fred and George when they were developing Skiving Snackboxes
4 Sickles Dragon Parts--hide, blood, heart, liver, horn, claws
80 Sickles Erumpent Parts--horns, tails, and Exploding Fluid
70 sickles Flobberworm Parts--The mucus exuded by a Flobberworm is sometimes used to thicken potions
3 sickles Fluxweed--Isanthus brachiatus, a member of the mint family also known as "false pennyroyal" (pennyroyal being another member of the mint family). Fluxweed is native to the eastern United States and is a threatened or endangered species in several areas. When picked at full moon, this plant is used in Polyjuice Potion. "Flux" means constant change or flow, which is appropriate for a potion that changes a person's appearance.
12 sickles Frog Parts--The actual use of frog parts in Potions is not known. It is noted only because some third years "plastered frog brains all over the ceiling of dungeon five" during October of 1992
2 sickles Ginger--Cut ginger roots are used in Wit-Sharpening Potion.
4 sickles Glumbumble parts--A fluid secreted by the Glumbumble causes melancholy, and is used as an antidote for the effects of eating Alihotsy leaves
3 sickles Graphorn parts--Powdered horn is used as a potion ingredient
5 sickles Hellebore--there are several kinds of hellebore. The name comes from the Greek words 'elein' (to injure) and 'bora' (food), indicating that hellebore is poisonous. In some belief systems, it's been believed to be a purgative, sometimes of bad things generally, used for things like protecting livestock from evil spells, and (in powdered form) for invisibility.
15 sickls Horned Slugs--Used in boil-cure potion
2 sickles Horned Toads--Neville had to disembowel a barrel of these for Snape when he got detention after melting his sixth cauldron in Potions
2 sickles Jobberknoll Parts--Jobberknoll feathers are used in Memory Potions and Truth Serums
3 sickles Knotgrass--Used in Polyjuice Potion
5 sickles lacewing flies--Used in Polyjuice Potion
6 sickles leeches--Leeches are used in Polyjuice Potion, apparently whole. Leech juice is used in Shrinking Solution
2 sickles Lionfish Parts--Spine of lionfish is part of a student's standard potion-making kit
2 sickles Lovage--Levisticum officinale, a culinary and medicinal herb in the carrot family that is native to southern Europe but which has been introduced to North America. According to a book Harry studied during his fifth year, lovage is "moste efficacious in the inflaming of the braine, and [is] therefore much used in Confusing and Befuddlement Draughts, where the wizard is desirous of producing hot-headedness and recklessness"
6 sickles Moonstone--Used in various potions (including the Draught of Peace, see), sometimes in powdered form; Harry had to write an essay (12 inches of parchment) for Snape about the uses of moonstone in potion making. Moonstone is found in a variety of colors. Its supposed magical effects include helping a person gain emotional balance.
6 sickles Nettles--Used in boil-cure potion. Also gathered in Queerditch Marsh for nettle tea
2 sickles Pomegranate--Used in boil-cure potion (see). Also gathered in Queerditch Marsh for nettle tea
2 sickles Porcupine Parts--The quills are used in boil-cure potion
2 sickles Puffer-Fish Parts--The eyes are used in Swelling Solution
3 sickles Rat Parts--A rat spleen - not more than one - is used in Shrinking Solution
1 sickles Re'em blood--The blood of the Re'em, when drunk, gives the drinker immense strength
20 sickles Runespoor Eggs--The eggs of the Runespoor are used for making potions which enhance mental ability
15 sickles Salamander Parts--Salamander blood is used in Strengthening Solution
5 sickles Scarab Beetles--Crushed, these are used in Wit-Sharpening
7 sickles Scurvy-Grass--Any of one of several sea-coast plants with four-petalled cross-shaped white flowers, at one time eaten by sailors to prevent scurvy. According to a book Harry studied during his fifth year, scurvy-grass is "moste efficacious in the inflaming of the braine, and [is] therefore much used in Confusing and Befuddlement Draughts, where the wizard is desirous of producing hot-headedness and recklessness"
9 sickles Snake Parts--Snake fangs are used in boil-cure potion. Snake venom is used in some of Voldemort's potions.
20 sickles Sneezewort--A kind of yarrow, the powdered leaves of which are said to cause sneezing. According to a book Harry studied during his fifth year, sneezewort is "moste efficacious in the inflaming of the braine, and [is] therefore much used in Confusing and Befuddlement Draughts, where the wizard is desirous of producing hot-headedness and recklessness"
9 sickles Sopophorous-- sopor, deep sleep or sleeping potion
5 sickles Unicorn Parts--blood Silvery-blue in colour when seen by moonlight, may glow in the dark faintly. To allow himself to survive in Quirrell's body, Voldemort induced Quirrell to kill unicorns and drink their blood. Unicorn blood will give the drinker only a cursed life because the drinker has killed something defenseless and pure has been killed only to save his or her own life. Voldemort didn't care, of course, because he was only trying to survive until he could drink the Elixir of Life.--tail hair, Slughorn hoped to sell some unicorn tail hairs Hagrid had given him for 10 Galleons a hair. Hagrid collects such shed hair as a matter of course, using it as a binding on bandages of injured animals due to its strength.
37 sickles Valerian--Roots used in Draught of Living Death
7 sickles Wormwood--Used in Draught of Living Death. Interesting that this traditional symbol of bitterness figured prominently in the first question Snape ever set Harry in Potions.
10 sickles