How many characters you want (self explanatory): One per thread, but can have more than one thread going on the same idea
What characters you want (4th years, werewolves, etc.): Preferably 5th - graduate
Level of RP (how long your RPs are, 1 line, 1 paragraph, 3 paragraphs, etc.): As most of you may have noticed, my posts are a bit longer than what is typically posted here. That said, as long as you can post a decent amount for me to reply to I will be open to writing with you. I cannot, however, reply to dialogue only or one line responses. The thread goes nowhere and I have a hard time writing something I can respect myself for. So just know what you are getting yourself into before you apply.
What you want to RP about: I made this character with a personality that is meant to push people away. That is what will make is special when someone breaks through and becomes close to Amelia. But so far, everyone has been too nice to allow Amelia to make enemies or push people away. I would like to RP with someone who is offput by Amelia's cold exterior, not just friendly all the time.
Location (Hogsmeade, Hogwarts, etc.): I would prefer to keep it within Hogwarts castle/grounds. We can discuss depending on who responds.