This is a RPG baced opon the 4th novel in Scott Westerfields
Uglies series. This series is baced in the future after humanity has distroyed the planet throught an oil plague. After 90% of humanity was distroyed the few remaining people only agreed on one thing. The world must never be distroyed again. A few years later scientists had a idea that pretty people were nicer, kinder, and better behaved. They created an operation that make you extremely beautiful. Soon the docters learned that these "pretty" people were no better than everyone else so they put "lesions" in peoples brains when they got the operation. These "lesions" made everyone content, stupid, and lazy. Now when a "ugly" (considered normal in our culture) turned 16 they got to cross the river into Prettytown. A hight tech paridice where your only job was to have a great time.
15 year old Tally Youngblood was no different was every other ugly. She count not wait to turn pretty. Then Tally met Shay. Shay was not so sure about turning pretty so she ran into the wild. Tally was then givin the choice by Special Curcumstances (a extra special area of the goverment) to eather track Shay down and turn her in or never turn pretty at all. Tally goes after Shay. But when Tally gets to the Smoke she has second thoughts. After stealing Shay's boyfriend David, learning the secret of the city, betraying the Smoke by mistake, becomeing pretty so she might help find a cure for being brainwashed, then falling for a pretty boy (Zane), becoming Special (the last thing she wants to do), fighting being Special, and untimitly saving the world we arrive at OUR world, the world of Extras.
After "Tally-Sama" saved the world things are chaging. Artistic abiliys are flying, inventors are creating new and exiting things. but one huge differeace is this Asian city. When resorces are starting to get used up again the city chooses the reputation economy over our money. The economy meausures everyone by "face rank" a system that tracks how famous people are. The more famous you are the better stuff you have, the better partys you go to. Better everything. 15 year old Aya Fuze is not one of the luckey famous people in the world. In a city of 1 million she is somewhere around 300,000,000. A nobody. Then Aya makes some groundbreaking storys as a "kicker" and things get a bit out of hand. Then Tally-sama arrives and saves the day AGAIN. The city is back a peace but some strange rumors are flying around, some talking about that the Specals might be on the rise again..
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