Rosalie walked into the common room and saw it was full of people. It made her feel really uncomfortable. Although she came from a long line of death eaters, she often questioned their actions, and told herself what their doing is WRONG.
The only thing was, this had to remain a secret. If the other slytherins found out that she was even thinking about it, who knows what they would do.
As she walked in she noticed Hafiz, she often admired him. He was on the quidditch team, which she longs to be on, but yet shes to shy to even try-out. He also thought he was cute, but that thought quickly had to run out of her mind because he was already taken by Haley.
" I see why he likes her, she's beautiful, smart, friendly. Whats not to like? But then, whats not to like about Hafiz, he's cute, admired by all others, friendly. Oh what on EARTH am I saying?!" she thought to herself.
She then sat down in a chair by the fire. She took out the book she got from the library "Quidditch through the Ages." She read this book so much, over and over agian, that she would tell people it was hers. She then hated herself because reading this book, made her mad that she was on the team.