Ok, slight change to the exam dates. These are for all levels, all subjects.
Teachers must have their exams posted in the correct forum by the end of May. If they don't the admins will just make short tests and assess people by looking through the classes.
Students must complete their exams by the 16th June, so teachers can mark them. If exams are received after that time the teacher can give it a T (Troll) or if they are extremely nice they may just take a few marks off.
Teachers should mark the exams by the end of June, so that results can be given out at the beginning of July.
Note to teachers: You are allowed to put a 'short roleplay' section in your exams to mark students practical skills and you can give some marks for classwork (assessment of overall homework, participation, etc.) provided that it isn't too many marks.
IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ASK THEM HERE!! We don't bite, honestly!
Grading. I've got no idea how many of you are familiar with it, so I'll quickly outline it here, in order from best to worst.
Pass Grades:
Oustanding, O (best)
Exceeds Expectations, EE
Acceptable, A
Fail Grades:
Poor, P
Disgraceful, D
Troll, T (worst)
Don't just send me marks, send me a list of all studends that took your exam, what grade they got and what level they did (eg. Jemma Tiquelle, A, OWL.)
Last edited by Jemma Tiquelle on Tue Jun 02, 2009 3:47 pm; edited 3 times in total