Magical Abilities - Page 13
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Magical Abilities - Page 13 Li9olo10

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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Magical Abilities

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Magical Abilities - Page 13 Empty Re: Magical Abilities

Post by Jemma Tiquelle Thu Jul 09, 2009 7:13 pm



Magical Abilities - Page 13 Qw9nLyk
~ enjoying her sixties ~ divination professor & head of hufflepuff ~ single ~ seer ~
~ biography ~ thread tracker ~

Set made by me. Want one? Accepting requests here.
Jemma Tiquelle
Jemma Tiquelle

Number of posts : 6601
Special Abilities : Seer, Occlumens, Apparation and Astral Projection.
Occupation : Secretary at the Ministry of Magic*

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Magical Abilities - Page 13 Empty Re: Magical Abilities

Post by Alexi Jasper Sat Jul 11, 2009 11:55 pm

Ability Desired: Apparation
How your character got this ability: "During my 5th year in Hogwarts, there was an apparation class that everyone at my age or older could take and well... I took it. Who the heck doesn't know how to apparate by now? It's like driving in muggle terms."

Ability Desired: Nonverbal Magic - nonoffensive spells only
How your character got this ability: "It was something that just came to me after a lot of practice. I could envision the spell and channel the magic of the spell without verbally saying the incantation. Of course, I was never good at reproducing the exact same strength of the spell when I cast it nonverbally, but it was still pretty cool. Worst part is that I can't exactly nonverbally cast offensive spells. I just wasn't good at offensive spells and it reflects on my inability to cast them nonverbally."

Ability Desired: Legilimency - at the skill level near to as if he hadn't learned legilimency
How your character got this ability: "I am not particularly gifted in legilimency. No. I have barely any skill in legilimency at all, however, I have trained my ability to cast it, despite my failures in casting it above the occlumency levels of someone who hasn't even heard of occlumency before. However, it definitely works on patients who's minds are at large unease, and are suspected either to be lying or won't fess up."

Ability Desired: Flying
How your character got this ability: Strangely, flying started out as a natural ability. There were many strange cases with Alexi, before he even knew that he could fly.

6 years old: The first time, Alexi was sleeping on his bed. When he woke up, he found himself staring at the ceiling, and suddenly, he fell onto his bed. Naturally, Alexi thought he was going crazy. He assumed that his lack of a personal life was getting to his head. Thus, he dismissed the possibility of having the ability to fly. He didn't even know flying without a broom or apparition was possible.

13 years old:The second time, Alexi fell off a cliff. He was with a couple of gifted friends, so before he knew it, they all cast cushioning spells onto the ground that Alexi seemed to be heading for. It would mean that when anything hit the area where the spell was cast, it would feel like falling onto pillows and blankets. Alexi hit the ground, and although it didn't feel as comfortable as falling onto a pillow, rather it actually felt like dirt, Alexi magnified his voice with a spell and thanked his friends. His friends spoke back with magnified voices, telling Alexi to look around. He looked around and realized, he was horizontally far away from the cliff. He still didn't realize that his ability let him attempt to resist gravity, causing him not to feel anything when he fell onto the dirt, and not to fall straight. Every cushioning spell was really far away from him.

14 years old: The third time, it was quite simple and embarassing. Alexi was walking with a friend near the lake, and they were lost in conversation. There were a couple of trees along the path that they were taking. While conversing, Alexi closed his eyes, trying to imagine what his friend was describing, when he hit a tree branch, and fell backwards. Hitting the tree branch hurt, but hitting the ground took a long time, and hurt even more. Alexi, after a moment of disorientation, looked at the tree that he hit, and realized, only the branch near the top was moving, and that there weren't any branches near Alexi's height. Then, there was his friend, who told Alexi that he was up in the sky. Alexi started to put pieces together, and realized, maybe he could fly without assistance.

14 years old: Alexi started experimenting with flight. He had never done it on purpose before, but he knew that it could activate subconsciously, and when he needed it. He trained a lot at the Quidditch field, and the room of requirements, but he never got any results. The only time he was flying was when he had a broom in between his legs and in his hands.

15 years old: Despite his previously failures in manifesting flight, he continued to experiment with his ability. Finally, he got results. Sometime during the day, Alexi was in the room of requirements and his feet lightly went off the ground for a second, and fell back. Although it was a very small result, Alexi became very excited and tried to mimick the conditions. He remembered exactly how he felt and what he was doing when he flew, so he made the same circumstances again and again and on that day, he levitated lightly each time. One time, he even slowed down his falling speed by trying to levitate weakly.

16 years old: By this age, Alexi's constant practicing allowed him to float 1 foot above ground and move in flight. Unfortunately, Alexi obtained the ability to apparate so it was two cool things that Alexi would have to practice. Thus, Alexi decided, flying in Hogwarts, apparition at home. He kept practicing his ability to fly, and now he could reach average running speeds as long as Alexi used the embarassing Superman flying position.

17 years old: By this age, Alexi could now reach any height limited only by his cold threshhold, and breathing threshhold, since air thinned and got colder the higher you got. He could also fly at the same speed as his owl.

18 years old: Now, Alexi could easily fly as fast as the average broom. He wasn't a Firebolt, but he was definitely fast enough to catch a Snitch.

19 years old: Practice made smaller results now, as Alexi was reaching his limits in flight. Flight didn't drain Alexi of strength, walking and flying were the energy equivalent for him, but flying required a larger concentration than any other casual transport activity such as running. Being tired meant less concentration, so Alexi tried to watch himself at night, making sure his wand was always available for a cushioning spell, or to see if he had bits of concentration left to repeat his 'cliff' incident.

20 years old: Alexi could outspeed any broom. Alexi wasn't sure if he had reached his limits yet, or how far they were, but it was just starting to take weeks of practice to increase 1mph in flying speed. Not only that, but practice was limited now by his double job at Hogwarts and St.Mungos.
Alexi Jasper
Alexi Jasper

Number of posts : 444

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Magical Abilities - Page 13 Empty Re: Magical Abilities

Post by Jemma Tiquelle Sun Jul 12, 2009 8:18 pm

^Added! Yaaay you're back =))


Magical Abilities - Page 13 Qw9nLyk
~ enjoying her sixties ~ divination professor & head of hufflepuff ~ single ~ seer ~
~ biography ~ thread tracker ~

Set made by me. Want one? Accepting requests here.
Jemma Tiquelle
Jemma Tiquelle

Number of posts : 6601
Special Abilities : Seer, Occlumens, Apparation and Astral Projection.
Occupation : Secretary at the Ministry of Magic*

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Magical Abilities - Page 13 Empty Re: Magical Abilities

Post by Mariana Diggory Sun Jul 12, 2009 8:32 pm

Would you look at that novel.It's good thing you were the one to read it! Razz
Mariana Diggory
Mariana Diggory

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Magical Abilities - Page 13 Empty Re: Magical Abilities

Post by Guest Sat Jul 18, 2009 7:02 pm

Ability Desired: Metamorphmagus
How your character got this ability: She was born with it, but never really knew until she was older. Once she realized that she could change her appearance, she figured that she would be well-hidden from the Ministry and could help her Dark Lord more.


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Magical Abilities - Page 13 Empty Re: Magical Abilities

Post by Founder Sun Jul 19, 2009 9:51 am

ACCEPTED! =]]]]]]]

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Magical Abilities - Page 13 Empty Re: Magical Abilities

Post by Guest Sat Jul 25, 2009 7:38 pm

Ability Desired: Nonverbal Magic, Apparation, Legilimens, Occlumens, Wandless Magic, Telekenisis
How your character got this ability: The Dark Lord taught her all of these. She sort of bribed him, and besides, how else was he sopposed to make her his apprentice? That's part of the reason why she has a crush on him. The 'red ones' took several years for her to accomplish, but she is quite powerful. She is quite old too, so she had plenty of time to learn.

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Magical Abilities - Page 13 Empty Re: Magical Abilities

Post by Jemma Tiquelle Sat Jul 25, 2009 8:06 pm

First four accepted. Telekenesis, no, sorry. Wandless'll get back to you on that.


Magical Abilities - Page 13 Qw9nLyk
~ enjoying her sixties ~ divination professor & head of hufflepuff ~ single ~ seer ~
~ biography ~ thread tracker ~

Set made by me. Want one? Accepting requests here.
Jemma Tiquelle
Jemma Tiquelle

Number of posts : 6601
Special Abilities : Seer, Occlumens, Apparation and Astral Projection.
Occupation : Secretary at the Ministry of Magic*

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Magical Abilities - Page 13 Empty Re: Magical Abilities

Post by Guest Sun Jul 26, 2009 8:16 pm

Ability Desired: Nonverbal magic, apparation, legilmency & occlumency.
How your character got this ability: Learn the first two at Hogwarts & the last two from his aunt Bellatrix & father Lucius.

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Magical Abilities - Page 13 Empty Re: Magical Abilities

Post by Jemma Tiquelle Sun Jul 26, 2009 8:16 pm

Accepted =))


Magical Abilities - Page 13 Qw9nLyk
~ enjoying her sixties ~ divination professor & head of hufflepuff ~ single ~ seer ~
~ biography ~ thread tracker ~

Set made by me. Want one? Accepting requests here.
Jemma Tiquelle
Jemma Tiquelle

Number of posts : 6601
Special Abilities : Seer, Occlumens, Apparation and Astral Projection.
Occupation : Secretary at the Ministry of Magic*

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