[[OoC: I got it cleared at the Animagus Registration that Lady Thereza could become an methamorphus, just so you all know]]
Thereza was pushed to the other side of the hall by a spell and by the time she got up and turned to see who the spellw as casted by, she could see them all, but not who casted it. She cursed herself that she didn't pay enough attention to see all around her, but focused now and closed her eyes, focusing more that she had ever done before in her life.
Her hair became light, dirty blond and her robe changed into the colour of just plain black and her clothes shifted into a school uniform, to be exact, a Gryffindor uniform. But that wasn't it, her nose became a bit larger and her eye colour was now blue, her cheeks became a lot more red and she lost the tan colour. Her long finger nails became small and blue, and she felt how her hair made itself into pig tails on each side of her shoulders, they also grew lenght and was soon down under her breasts, but just a little. With her wand, she cut her leg a little, and made her face dirtier by the dust that covered her completely.
She was a changed girl and knew that she would change back momentarily. To take cover, she used the Expelliarmus spell against a Death Eater, on purpose so the DE would come after her, playing that she wasn't thinking of that, she ran up to the crowd of Andrian, Darren, Andrenn and Alesy and cried out for help. "please help me someone!" she cried out as she faked a pair of tears as well.