"Sounds great," Marcus said, standing up to stretch for a moment, and taking the coffee. "Oh, so you know, the babies woke up an hour ago, and were having a conniption, so Angus and I changed them and fed them, and they went back to sleep. They should be fine for awhile. Finn is outside, but I'm sure he's ready to come in. There's food in his bowl so we just need to open the door for him. And the Fae have been up and outside working in the garden for a couple hours."
"Minos asked me for a couple cookies, and they divided them for breakfast and I think they enchanted some water for some tea. But I don't think they're planning on eating breakfast with us this morning," Angus yawned. "I think they want to work today now that the storm is past."
"Your pancakes smell great," Marcus said. "I'm going to get a couple sips of coffee and then I'm coming for some of that. I'm definitely hungry."
"Me too. I'm going to get a bit more coffee than Marcus, but then I'm coming too," Angus said, just as the boys came downstairs.
"I smell pancakes!" Sam said.
"Hungry?" Marcus asked.
"Starved!" Sam said, fixing his plate. Victor went to stab a pancake on the platter and accidently stabbed Sam's hand instead.
"Ow! Hey, that's my hand, Idjit," Sam scowled.
"Well, get it out of the way, Doofus," Victor replied.
"So much for a quiet morning," Angus laughed.
"Save everyone else a couple," Marcus told them.
"You snooze, you lose," Sam teased.