"Yes, of course. You can certainly see where they sleep, but could we do that, please, in an hour or so from now? You must remember that it isn't even five am here, and the rest of the kids are still asleep in those bunk houses. I'd like to not have to uproot them unless we absolutley have to. If you can do your search and not make any noise, then so be it. But, their lives have been turned upside down quite enough as it is. I'd like to not alarm them if we can help it. While the old west village is still under construction, the kids sleep in a number of wards we've constructed. We took some of the ranch bunk houses and enchanted them to hold more kids. That sort of thing. It's certainly not ideal, but we do have staff membrs assigned to those bunk houses as well. We've not ever required the staff to be awake all night because the place has never been breeched. So. once the staff member has their bunk house secure for the night, they're permitted to go to bed too. The staff members sleep in the bunk house office, but their doors are open at night so that if anything happens with the kids, the staff will hear. We've never had an issue til now."
"And how many do you have in each bunk house right now?" Angus asked.
"There are a dozen in each one. We have one for younger boys, one for younger girls, one for older boys and one for younger girls. Charlie is in the bunk house for the little boys, Sarah is in the one for little girls, and Holly is in the one for older girls. None of the bunk hosue staff heard or saw anything," Fiona said. "We have two additional bunk houses, overflow bunk houses, one for girls and one for boys, but they aren't being used right now. Most of those bunk houses will return to being used for staff once the village is completed.
"The kids get up at six so they can be dressed, with their beds made and bunk house chores done by seven, when breakfast is served in the dining room here," Kieran said. "That's temporary too, because when the village is complete, they'll typically eat at their houses in the village. At this point, each house will hold anywheere from four to six kids, and two live-in house parents who will take on the role that parents would. Feeding, clothing, supervising, that sort of thing. The idea is to give them as close to a normal family life as possible.
"School is back in session here now, so their school day will start, in the bunk house dining rooms, at 8. They have a recess at 9:45 til 10 am, lunch at 11:30 til 12:30. That gives them thirty minutes to eat and a longer, 30 minute recess. Then they're back in school til 1:45, til their afternoon recess. School is back in session, then til 3. They have a snack in the bunk houses at 3, followed by homework time or play time at 3:30 til dinner time at 6. Every kid pitches in either with fixing dinner or with clean up. After that, it's time for showers and more play time until 9. Then, the kids need to be in their bunks for quiet time before lights out at 9:30. We strongly encourage either reading for the older kids or the adults will host a story time for the younger ones. The schedule is still structured but is considerably looser on the weekends or when school isn't in session," Kieran explained.
"Where's the village being constructed at?"
"On the west side of the property."
"Near the lake?"
"South of it," Kieran said. "The north edge of the village is maybe 400 or 500 feet from the lake. We wanted not only room for expansion but also considerable distance to deter the kids from fiddling around in the water because very precious few of them swim until they take swimming lessons here. You're welcome, of course, to go see the progress on it. I'd suggest you go take some horses and see it on horseback because it can be a long walk to get there, go through it, see the lake and walk back. If you like, I'll have some horses ready for you by daylight. The day staff will be clocking in and will be reporting to their assignments by 5:30 am so they can be ready to get the kids up and going. A good portion of them are here in the dining room for a good ranch style breakfast before they report for work. So if you want to talk to the staff, that's where I'd start."
"I'd like to read the kids' files," Angus said.
"And I'd really like to take a close look at the grounds around the bunk houses before the kids are up and trampling all over it, in case any clues were accidently missed," Marcus said. "Maybe we can search the bunk houses then while the kids are at breakfast in this building."
"Certainly," Kieran said.