Welcome to Potter’s Army

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We have been a Harry Potter Roleplaying site since 2007. If you're an old member we hope you come check out the discord link provided below. And if you're looking for a new roleplaying site, well, we're a little inactive. But every once and a while nostalgia sets in and a few of our alumni members will revisit the old stomping grounds and post together. Remember to stay safe out there. And please feel free to drop a line whenever!

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What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.


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Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Mon Jun 13, 2022 2:48 am

Ruby sat watching the clouds float by until he spoke and she smiled " oh realy Mr Donahue" she said simply as they docked " this place is perfect." she said but paused as she turned to find him with his hands gently against her cheek she returned his kiss her hands resting against his chest then slipping around his waist as she returned his with her own.

"nether do I." she said softly to him as she felt him slip off her shirt she too let her hands wander lower.

(Fade to black)

Ruby lay on the beach smiling as she looekd at Angus, not a sound but the waves and occashonaly a bird. "Fourteen days of heaven" she said softly brushing some sand off his chest. " I forgot to ask how's the head?" she asked " but Im guessing after that performance its like new?" she chuckled.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

Number of posts : 5351

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Post by Robert Lupin Mon Jun 13, 2022 3:08 am

"I'm fine now," he said contentedly. "Although, you know, I didn't send a message to Evan. I had other things on my mind. Suppose we'll want to do anything else other than this? I don't think I need food or clothes or sleep or anything other than you and this right here. And I might never need anything else ever again. Maybe the reason I didn't take a holiday is that I was waiting for you. And since it took you so bloody long to get here, I think we should make the most of it." He started to kiss her and trail little butterfly kisses down her neck and her shoulder, intending to pick up where they had just been moments before, and then he stopped and sighed.

"It just occurred to me I forgot to radio Evan. Tyler forgot to radio back to my grandfather once. And my grandfather showed up and rather interrupted what might have been an enjoyable weekend. I really don't relish that idea happening to us. Keep the sand warm for me for a moment, would you, long enough for me to call off the search and rescue team? Don't change a thing." He got up, not wanting to separate himself from her, and he went down the beach, leaving his things there with her, to go radio Evan.

LONDON CALLING - Page 97 Pbucket
Robert Lupin
Robert Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 3100
Special Abilities : Master Healer, Potionsmaster, Energy Worker, Portkey Creation
Occupation : Minister of Magic, Chief of Staff at St. Mungos

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Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Mon Jun 13, 2022 3:15 am

Ruby smiled as she heard him speak she could tell he was relaxed and contented but chuckled as he said they would nevr need anything but each other " well we'd still need to eat, love alone isn't going to fill our bellys" she said with a chuckle " but I know what you mean, its just so...perfect, and Im sorry Mr Donahue i took so long." she laughed but then sighed as she felt his kisses.

When he stopped and spoke about radioing Evan so he didn't send out a rescue party she nodded " oh that would be bad, and I'll be right here." she told him she held his hand until she hand to let it go and smiled watching him head down the beach. Laying on the sand she let all her fears and worries slip away as she watched a palm tree sway gently in the breeze. Sitting up she walked down to the waters egde and dipped her toes in it waiting for his return.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

Number of posts : 5351

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Post by Robert Lupin Mon Jun 13, 2022 3:32 am

He radioed Evan who took a couple of childish jabs at him for not having a woman before this and a couple of other jabs for not having a "successful job." But the truth was that his brothers had no idea what Angus did, and that made him a black sheep in his own family. Evan accused him of being worthless and being unemployed, believing he was sponging off of Edward, and he suggested Angus get a job. That was when Angus told him to sod off and turned off the radio. He secured the boat again, and he went back up the beach back to Ruby.

"Evan really is a git," Angus told her. "How about I show you the house? Come with me." He picked up his clothes and chucked them in his bag rather than putting them on. "I have something I want to show you."

He led the way up to the house, showed her the house and then. as it got dark, he took her outside, out the back garden door and cast a Lumos charm. It lit up some glass lanterns down a short path to a deck that overlooked the sea. And on the deck was a large outdoor copper tub and a shower for two, with a bench stacked with clean, fluffy bath sheets and an enormous bed under a completely open sky. And, someone had left a bottle of champagne on ice for them.

"You want starlight? I'll give you the moon and the stars and maybe a little more," he told her softly.

LONDON CALLING - Page 97 Pbucket
Robert Lupin
Robert Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 3100
Special Abilities : Master Healer, Potionsmaster, Energy Worker, Portkey Creation
Occupation : Minister of Magic, Chief of Staff at St. Mungos

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Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Mon Jun 13, 2022 3:40 am

Ruby saw Angus walking back towards her she left the cool water and headed to where their clothes lay. As she heard him speak she chuckled " I told you that." she said and nodded at the sugestion of seeing the house becuse he ahd something to show her. Taking his hand in her own she walked with him back up from the beach.

Once dark she followed him back outside and was met with the most wonderful sight, Lanterns lit a short path that they walked down to a deck. " wow bubbly and champagne" she chuckled "A hot tub under the stars with you is more than enough Mr Donague, " she said softly then looked up to the sky " wow I can see the milkyway, oh thats the great bear and orions belt" she said pointing out stars she knew before moving to take both of his hands in her own and leading him to the hot tub.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

Number of posts : 5351

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Post by Robert Lupin Mon Jun 13, 2022 8:56 pm

Five days seemed to go by in a flash. The desperate need for connection was easing. They were learning about each other, learning what they liked and didn't like, what their hopes and dreams were, and some of their shortcomings too. What he was learning was that they agreed on more things that not. And there was always room for compromise.

It wasn't she who created anxiety for him. Ruby wasn't to blame for that. It was his own fear of commitment that had risen out of his engagement to what he found out was an entity and not a woman at all. He had no interest in entities or in men. It just was not what he was drawn to.

He could see himself making a life with Ruby, but he wasn't able to see himself at an altar. He could see them raising children, but the idea of a wedding made his blood run cold. He wasn't sure if he was father material, but yet, it was something that had always been on his own bucket list. It wasn't committing to Ruby that made him afraid. It was creating a formal legal tie to someone, anyone.

It was a scar from being defrauded and completely taken in by a creature not even human. He now was insecure in his own ability to judge who was worthy of trust and who was not. Heck, he wasn't sure anymore he had the right stuff to be able to even distinguish between who was human and who what was not. The trauma ran deeper than he had realized until he had wanted to find it in himself to want to give falling in love another try. He had been deeply in love with what he had believed was a woman and had been entirely ready to leap in and marry.

But the other thing that ate at him was that he was really, really tired of being alone. He was tired of being that one person tagged on to a long list of pairs--Robert & Kate, Brian & Khaat, Jack & Jess, and the list went on and on. At the end of the list of all the pairs, there would come Angus, as a party of one, in what had felt for a long time like a pitiful, singular postscript. The others had managed to continue the work--the risky work that never guaranteed they would come home at night, and yet they had all taken leaps to find love, marriage, and family. Why couldn't he have some of those same things? Was his bed supposed to always be empty and cold? Was he supposed to always be just a party of one?

Falling for Ruby was almost too easy. The physical piece had come on strong and impulsively with a drive and a fierce need that he had not had before, and it had been great. The need and the desperation were both fading but the physical connection they had together wasn't fading, not at all. Other things were coming into play now. Things that were deeper and more permanent. So, he had gone from i/me/mine to she/he/it and back to i/me/mine.

Now, with his focus being on Ruby and trying to sort out what was happening between them, was he supposed to be confident in now going to we/us/ours? He wasn't anxious so much about her as he was about himself and whether or not he was making the right choices for his part in whatever it was they were now. He was not a big believer in fate. He believe people carved out their own destinies. He had not seen much doubt in Ruby about the two of them, but did she have any of the same anxieties he did?

What he was seeing was that they weren't just hooking up anymore. This was starting to develop into something more. She was comfortable in calling him her boyfriend, and, he didn't have a problem with that now. They had passed a one night stand status about a week ago. He had had his one night stands--someone he had been attracted to at a pub and had a tumble with for the pure sport and pleasure of it and then moved on. And at first, he had thought he and Ruby were on the same category, but something kept drawing him back to her. This was certainly different.

He wasn't sure where they were headed, but whatever it was, it was more. In the last five days, they had spent most of their time together, but they had both also needed some solitude too. Surely it was healthy to be able to be together and also be just as comfortable with letting one's partner go for a walk to just sort out one's thoughts. Seemed like any decent holiday needed to have room for both.

He remembered a discussion he'd had with Edward when he'd been on summer holiday with Edward before Angus's seventh year at Hogwarts. He'd seen a significantly older Italian woman who had been out beachcombing for shells, and, at that time, he had thought she was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. He'd made a comment to that general gist, and, presto, she had deflowered him in a rickety little cabana, their swimsuits left outside on the sand. He had been determined, at the time, that he was going to marry her and had declared his independence from Edward. Edward, for his part, had done two things. He had gone and told the woman that she was not to ever have any contact with Angus again. And, not entirely surprised that Angus was growing up, Edward had had a long talk with Angus to be sure that he knew that any relationship worth having could not start and end with just a physical component. Edward had been crystal clear. The substance was far more important and had to be the foundation of any successful couple. A relationship without substance was not a relationship but a mere infatuation. He could see that he and Ruby seemed to be now carving out some substance.

And back at Khaat's place, Mira was worried. Yesterday, she had been doing the washing up from the lunch dishes when a message had arrived by floo, a message that Edward had intercepted because Robert had been at St. Mungos working. Edward had read the message and had pocketed it, saying Fenrir had news. Edward said he was going to go meet Fenrir in London and that he would be back soon.

This morning, though, Edward hadn't show up for breakfast. Mira had taken a tea tray up to his room only to find the bed had not been slept in. Edward had not come home. She had gone immediately to Gabe, who had sent an urgent message to Robert. The news of Edward's disappearance had brought Robert home in a hurry.

Now, Angus's medallion sounded an alarm. He flew, as fast as he could go, into the house, shouting for Ruby, and he had lit a magical flame in the hearth to try to contact Robert.

Robert's face appeared in the blue magical flames after a long moment.

"What's happened?" Angus demanded, all business now.

"It's probably nothing but you need to know," Robert said. "Edward intercepted a message meant for me yesterday morning that Fenrir had some news. He told Mira he was going to go meet with Fenrir in London but that was yesterday. We have not seen or heard from him since."

"Oh God!" Angus felt his stomach drop, and ice cold terror and panic raced through his veins. Edward was the only family member he had worth keeping. The rest of them simply needed to be chucked. Angus would walk the very fires of hell if that would bring Edward home--whatever it took. "He wouldn't do that. He'd come back or send word. He wouldn't be gone longer than he had intended without..."

"I know," Robert said calmly. "Steady, Angus. I know. I'm going to send..."

"I'm coming," Angus said fiercely. "I'm coming back right now." He was pure adrenalin now, his mind racing, focused on getting home. Home. He had to go home. He had to find his grandfather straight away.  "I'll find him. I'll..." he began.

"Now, listen, Lad," Robert said steadily, now taking a strong fatherly tone with him. "Look at me and listen. You are not alone anymore. I know your heart. I know how your family treated you and how it felt like Edward was all you had, but that isn't true anymore. We're here, all of us, and we're a damn good team. We will do this together. You're not to try to do this on your own, do you understand me? I'm convinced this is all tied into the current situation. Gelding can't get to us all at once, so he's looking to divide and conquer. The very worst thing for Edward you could do is to go it alone. Is Ruby right there with you?"

"Robert,..." Angus started, feeling a bit angry and frustrated already.

"The last I knew, I still commanded this team," Robert said firmly. Now he turned his focus to Ruby. "Ruby, you get the bags packed, and you bring him straight home. It's safer to take the boat to Edward's and port from there because there are some serious storms off the east coast of France right now. That would make a long porting difficult and dangerous. You're safer to break it into a few short hops.  If you can keep him focused, you should take the boat to Edward's, it's just a little hop to Paris from there, and then make the other little hop home. You should be able to avoid the storm line that way because it should take you around it. If he can't get his mind on the boat, use the portkey to get to Edward's. I'm sure Angus has one, and I'm just as certain Edward would have left a backup portkey in that house somewhere if you can find it. Don't you let him go off half cocked about this, you hear me?"

LONDON CALLING - Page 97 Pbucket
Robert Lupin
Robert Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 3100
Special Abilities : Master Healer, Potionsmaster, Energy Worker, Portkey Creation
Occupation : Minister of Magic, Chief of Staff at St. Mungos

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Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Mon Jun 13, 2022 9:29 pm

Ruby had felt the days seem to melt by as one day turned to five but she enjoyed every minuet of it, she realized that even when he wasn't pysicaly with her her mind wandered to him, wanting him close. She would walk in the evenings on the beach and collect shells but if they had some one in them she would leave them behind. Her mind was clear and focused, she trusted him whole heartedly. She would never force him into doing anything he was not cumfortable even if they stayed as they were for the rest of their lives Ruby felt that was fine as long as they were both happy.

Coming from the bedroom after a shower after her swim in one of Angus's shirts and pretty much nothing else her medallion began to hum and she dove to the living room finding Angus alrady there talking to Robert she sat on the arm of the chair next to him As he spoke her hand went to Angus arm. " wow, Listen to him" she said softly and hoped her contact would calm him. They listened more and Ruby could not agree more when he asked if she was there she spoke.

" I am Robert." she told Robert and kept listening to him then looked at Angus " I'll get right on it" she said to Robert then looked to Angus " we'll get him back" she said gently and with a light kiss she ehaded to pack their clothes and dress. Once donw she sent both bags down to the living room. " all packed and I made the bed too" she told him as she glanced around " anything else we need to do?"
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

Number of posts : 5351

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Post by Robert Lupin Mon Jun 13, 2022 10:16 pm

He had heard her reassurances, and he was glad she hadn't hesitated to pack to go home. When she went upstairs, Angus flew to get cleaned up and changed. It was probably the quickest shower of his life. He threw clean clothes on and had chucked the shorts he was wearing on the bed, seeing she was packing for them.

"Thanks," he said quickly. "I can't think of anything. Evan might have to get off his ass and take care of things here. Ready? Let's go." He scooped up the bags and ran for the dock. He dumped the bags in the wheelhouse and cast off in a hurry. Now he wanted to try to make up some time. This was going to feel like the longest trip of his life. He hadn't bothered to check the weather, but he was confident in his own abilities. He pushed the engines to give him all the speed it they were able to give without putting them in danger. The bigger, heavier boat that Evan had given them slowed them down just a bit, but, on the other hand, it didn't toss them around nearly as much. The extra weight did help provide some control.

His mind raced faster than the boat was racing. Edward never simply dropped contact. If he had stopped contact, he was in serious trouble. In Angus's entire life, he had never known of this to happen. Angus was hoping they could find him in time. All sorts of possibilities entered his mind. Was this Gelding? Was it James? Or had Fenrir betrayed them? Where the devil was he and was he still alive?

When they docked at Edward's, Angus barely tethered the boat to the dock when he saw Evan coming across the yard.

"Are you even going to tie it to the dock?" Evan was angry. Angus picked up the bags and hurried up the yard and handed him the keys.

"You do it. We have to go. Our granddad is missing," Angus said.

"What?" Evan scowled. "What do you mean he's missing?"

"I mean he's missing!" Angus shouted. "I don't even know if he's alive. We've got to go. We've got to get him back..."

"Who took him? Why would anyone want just a little old man?.." Evan started.

"You're a git, you know that?" Angus shouted at him. "You're a complete git. You don't even know your own heritage. He's a bloody legend and in every famous wizard directory in the world, you big ass. He's isn't just any little old man...."

"Well, certainly there's someone you can call..."

"Yeah! ME!" he said, furious.

"You don't know the first thing about it. I'll get on the phone and..." Evan reached for his cell phone, and Angus snatched it out of his hand and threw it as hard as he could throw it--right into the sea.

"That is what I think of your muggle phone. It's a wizarding problem. Your muggles would just cock it up. You leave your fingers out of it. I'll get him back. Come on, Ruby. We're wasting precious time." He got out his portkey to Paris and offered her his arm.

LONDON CALLING - Page 97 Pbucket
Robert Lupin
Robert Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 3100
Special Abilities : Master Healer, Potionsmaster, Energy Worker, Portkey Creation
Occupation : Minister of Magic, Chief of Staff at St. Mungos

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Post by Ruby Lyne Tyler Mon Jun 13, 2022 10:26 pm

Ruby moved quickly with Angus to the boat as he threw the bags on she moved them inside the cabin and sat quiet as he steered it to Edwards house. Once there she she grabbed the bag but stopped to look over her shoulder as she heard Angus shouting at his brother. With both bags she walked over just intime to see a phone fly past her to land and disapear into the sea.

"of course and Evan..." she paused to face him " your more than an idiot your a jackass worse than a Jackass your an ignorant Muggle." she told him as she secretly cast a Furnunculus Curse at him and threw up her hands in frustration.

Moving now to Angus she slipped her arm in his as she spoke " I know hes your brother, but if we ever get married hes so not invited." she told him as they ported away and to Paris.
Ruby Lyne Tyler
Ruby Lyne Tyler

Number of posts : 5351

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Post by Robert Lupin Mon Jun 13, 2022 10:47 pm

"Well, that will take care of his vanity problem for a day or so," Angus muttered. "Don't worry. He wouldn't come anyway. Tyler might. He's a good egg but Evan, not so much."

They landed in Paris at the newly restore headquarters building, and Owens met them the second they ported in.

"Ruby, this is Owens. Owens, this is Ruby Tyler-- she's a ministry attaché attached to us for awhile. I'll explain this place to you later, Ruby, but for now, this is...well, a private corporation of Robert's. Owens, my grandfather is missing...."

"We know. Robert's called in every available operative, and he's got us already scouring Paris to see what rock Gelding's crawled under. I've got 3 men already hitting our informants for any info from the underground. Michael is on his way to help prepare an additional extraction team in case he needs some additional operatives. The very instant we hear even a whisper, you'll know. I promise. And I've brought in a healer to sickbay on standby in case we find him here and find he has any injuries of any kind. If we find him in Paris, we're ready for him."

"Good man. Thank you. I'm heading for home to see what Robert's doing."

"You know what he's doing. And he's not at home. He's gone to the farm to the armory. You're to go straight there."

"Understood," Angus said. He pocketed the portkey for Brian's estate and got out the portkey to Robert's farm. This was going to be a bit of a culture shock for Ruby. He didn't think she knew Robert was yet the spymaster for the ministry. Nor did she know, he was absolutely certain, the massive stockpile of weapons and supplies he had to outfit his organization. Hell, she didn't even know there was an organization.

"You're about to get in over your head," Angus told her quietly. "Until we have a minute, you're going to have to trust me. No matter what you see from here on out, just remember we're the good guys."

LONDON CALLING - Page 97 Pbucket
Robert Lupin
Robert Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 3100
Special Abilities : Master Healer, Potionsmaster, Energy Worker, Portkey Creation
Occupation : Minister of Magic, Chief of Staff at St. Mungos

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