"Khaat found me on holiday in the Bahamas," Marcus said. "I was due to come back tomorrow anyway, so one less day doesn't upset me. If Gelding thinks he's just going to eliminate Robert, he has another thing coming. That's not going to happen, not on my watch, anyway, and I'm sure it won't happen on anyone else's either. Besides that, I've seen him fight. Robert isn't going to go quietly or easily either one."
"No, you're right," Brian said. "He and Gelding have gone toe to toe before, and, flat out, Robert is quicker and a lot deadlier. Gelding is slow on the draw, and, frankly, his aim stinks when he gets rattled. He isn't a good dueler."
"Well, that makes the job a little easier."
"Not necessarily. The body Jack was speaking of belonged to a hit man who had infiltrated our organization."
"And was a shapeshifter?"
"Yes. Augustus Ironwood," Brian said. At the sound of the name, Marcus frowned.
"He went right for one of the very best, then. He's serious. Alright. That gives me a list of possibles that he might go to next."
"There's more of them?" Khaat asked.
"Yes. I can think of about five others with that skill level or better."
"I want names and dossiers," Brian said.
"And you'll have them," Marcus replied. "I'll get them for you."
"What about a dark arts woman that specializes in some sophisticated dark arts spells? Uses a staff."
"Oh. Her," Marcus said. "Yeah, we know each other. She's just a mean woman, flat out. It's that staff you have to watch out for."
"Not anymore. We have that bad boy."
"Do you now?" Marcus was intrigued. "Good for you! You have no idea how much I've wanted to get rid of that thing. It amplifies her spells significantly."
"Not anymore."
"Oh, well done," he said, getting out his medallion from his pocket and putting it on. "Anything else I need to know?"
"Headquarters has been evacuated. They're all at my place," Brian said. "And Robert booby trapped it, Ironwood triggered the trap, and the place blew. I imagine that Robert and Kate are doing clean up there right now."
"Got it. Alright, I imagine I'll see you all later, then."
"Where are your things?" Kate asked.
"Your dad's place."
"Okay. Well, your normal room at my place is available if you need it."
"I'll keep that in mind. Thank you, my dear. Alright, I'm off to Paris," he said, drawing his wand and apparating out.
"Well, good. I feel a little better knowing Robert isn't going to be on his own from now on," Brian said. "That's one problem handled."