DeMarco picked up a pad of paper and did a sketch of what he envisioned, something that was perhaps an inch or a bit bigger in diameter so she could wear it all the time if she wanted. The pendant was circular, with a crescent moon, a wolf, and a shower of stars, with the a crescent stone for the moon, and tiny clear quartz crystals in star shaped settings that studded the sky.
"Yes, she's a seer. So is Khaat and Kate, and Abbey seems to already show some seer's abilities too. So you're chockablock with seers at my house," Brian said.
"Like this? Bigger?" DeMarco asked. "I thought perhaps she might not want it too big, in case she wants to wear it all the time if she wants. Brian are you finding what you want?"
"Yes. I found a necklace I like for Khaat," he said, pointing in one of the cases. "The gold one with the little diamond heart--the smallest heart. Do you have any tiny heart shaped diamond stud earrings to go with it?"
"I do," DeMarco said. "Is that going to be too small?"
"No, I think it will be just right," Brian said.
"Good choice for a ring set," DeMarco told Jack. "How soon do you want the custom pendant?"