Hey Everyone!
This is a little announcement to let you know that if you haven't had problems with your image hosting service yet, it's highly likely you will sometime soon.
Last month, Photobucket, which also owns Tinypic, became a paid service which means that you can't access your images if you're using their service (I know it sucks, I was hosting a bunch of original-ish art with them).
If you were hosting with Photobucket or Tinypic, you need to move your images now, if you still can, because you don't actually know what you're linking to. What you see on your screen might be way different than what the rest of us do, and everything on those sites is NOT safe for work (or rp sites).
If you are hosting with Imgur, you need to know that it's against their terms of service to use them just as an image host. I don't exactly know what that site is supposed to be for, but just linking to your images here is not allowed, and they have already blocked all of Jcink's servers because so many of the sites hosted there were doing it.
So what can you use? I highly recommend trying out NickPic Host which is made by an RPer, for RPers. I've been using them for about a month, and haven't had anything go down (which is better than ImgSafe which seems to be down all the time now).
Of course, if you have any other ideas for where people can host their images, you're welcome to let us know.