The Head of Gryffindor house would like to congratulate Andrian, for becoming the champion representing our house. Firstly, I would like to acknowadge that I have written a RPG guide allready, and it is located in the Department of International Magical Cooporation. All champions are recconmended to read this, as yout task is to write an RPG.
Otherwise, you are given the permission to ask your HoH for help with the first task. I would like to offer help to any champion whose HoH is not active.
To Submit Your Entry- Start a new thread in the first task category titled "Your Name- The Golden Egg- FT"
You may edit your first draft until the 14th, and then the thread will be closed for judging.
You must complete your RPG by the 14th, as Sue has stated.
Points will be taken off for grammarical errors, spelling errors, and how well it's written of course. May I advise that you do not try to do anything spectacular for the sake of earning more points, we will judge you on how realisticly your RPG is written.
Andrian- If you have any questions feel free to PM me. Other Champions- as I said if your HoH isn't active you are welcomed too.
If any one has any general questions about the TT, feel free to post them here.
Happy Competing
HoH of Gryffindor.