At first, she just nodded along, trying to - first, understand how it worked - but also to determine how much of herself she felt she could give to the whole ordeal. Just the idea of it felt tiresome in ways she had expected to some extent, but on the other hand, it was thrilling to have someone willing and able to help. That in itself was a pleasant surprise. And that he was just agreeing to do it with no qualifications was almost unbelievable. Avery had never been brilliant at knowing who was really on her side, but she was starting to understand that James was someone that she could let herself trust - at least with this, for starters.
"To be fair," she said finally, "you probably haven't worked with him because he was so calm and did, essentially, nothing wrong around Robin. I think his reaction greatly depends on the person. Robin was... all confidence, and no fretting about anything. Calm. Perhaps that's what Fergus took to," she shrugged, accepting that, although it was hard to do, she needed to be upfront about things regarding Robin. The more she held back in order to protect herself, the more she could end up hurting Fergus, even inadvertently.
"And, I mean, I really ought to head back to the Ministry in a while anyways, so perhaps we could stop by on my way into the office? I know it's all short-notice, but if you really don't have anywhere else to be..." She trailed off, her eyes searching his, half expecting him to take it back now that she was jumping straight into it. She knew plenty of people who would have been tempted to, but somehow she didn't get that feeling from James.