Hey, Y'All,
We know that writing an app can sometimes be a bit of a frustration because we're asking you to be specific with us with characters that are still, most likely, living in your head. It's part of the reason we shortened the app itself. We also understand that certain sections of the app are routinely more difficult than others.
However, we need to ask you to stop immediately using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator in your app. The MBTI is the personality type indicator that contains personality types such as: INFP, ESTJ, etc. The most important reason we ask you to stop using this immediately is that the MBTI is a copyrighted work and carries a trademark in its name when its properly cited. There are legal issues involved when using a trademarked instrument such as this, and we don't want those issues here on PA. Most often when it's been used in PA applications, MBTI information has been simply copy/pasted into an app, and without proper credits. That's plagiarism, and we certainly can't permit this to continue.
We realize the MBTI has been available on the internet in all sorts of self questionnaires, and we can't speak as to legal implications for those other sites or uses. However, we do also understand how an instrument like the MBTI can be helpful for a player to more clearly envision his/her character. If you choose to use it in your own private drafting of the app, that's certainly your business. However, please use your own words in the application to describe personality traits from here on out.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact me.