"Yes. I stand corrected," he said. He listened to Ashcroft carefully, thinking about not just what he was saying but what he wasn't saying.
"So, it sounds risky either way. You can take a risk and see if you can have the relationship that it sounds like you'd like to have and risk extending yourself and all that it means for you, including letting go of some of those darker things--whatever they are--that compromised your bodily systems to begin with.
"Or, you don't take that risk, and, it seems to me that if you do that, it leaves you where you've been, alone in that darkness. Familiar as it might be, it doesn't seem to be where you really want to be.
Ashcroft had never been forthcoming on exactly what had happened to him or by whom, but it didn't seem that whatever had contaminated his energies had been something that he'd entered into voluntarily and fully informed. Most people wouldn't, anyway.
"What is it, exactly, that you don't want others to know about you?" Robert asked. "Whatever it is, it seems to be toxic as hell. I can see at least that much." Robert did know something about that gap between what one wanted and what one thought possible. He wasn't going to get into that with Ashcroft, but it wasn't something he ever wanted to have to repeat in his life.