burning building - Page 3
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Welcome to Potter's Army

We have been a Harry Potter Roleplaying site since 2007. If you're an old member we hope you come check out the discord link provided below. And if you're looking for a new roleplaying site, well, we're a little inactive. But every once and a while nostalgia sets in and a few of our alumni members will revisit the old stomping grounds and post together. Remember to stay safe out there. And please feel free to drop a line whenever!

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What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

burning building

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burning building  - Page 3 Empty Re: burning building

Post by Isobella Donohue Thu Dec 10, 2015 4:31 am

Save Melissa because she's the only girl
Toss Keiran because he kicks butt
Leave Theo because he can get out

1. Vanessa Wendorf
2. Henry Tross
3. Solstice Cane
Isobella Donohue
Isobella Donohue
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 1076
Occupation : Chef at the Leaky Cauldron

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burning building  - Page 3 Empty Re: burning building

Post by Victor Faulkner Thu Dec 10, 2015 5:34 am

Save Save Vanessa, she's my girlfriend And I love her,besides she's pregnant with my child!
Toss Solstice,  she's a women and I was raised a gentleman!
Leave Henry, he's smart he'll get out!

1. Dakota Rose
2.  Robert Lupin
3. Lilyanya Faulkner
Victor Faulkner
Victor Faulkner
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 59

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burning building  - Page 3 Empty Re: burning building

Post by Vanessa Wendorf Thu Dec 10, 2015 6:18 am

Save Robert, he's the minister of Magic.
Toss Dakota, she's a kid, a pain, but still a kid
Leave Lilyanya, she's more than capable skipping her way out of the building, she is a vampire after all.

1. Yvette Tungsten-Wells
2. Audrey O'Shea
3. Adrienne Reynolds
Vanessa Wendorf
Vanessa Wendorf

Number of posts : 139
Occupation : Owner of Babbity Rabbity's

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burning building  - Page 3 Empty Re: burning building

Post by Jaquellene Jack Dyllan Sat Jun 25, 2016 1:08 am

Save Adrienne because the Sel/Adrienne threads are toooooo interesting.
Toss Yvette because I remember her.
Leave Audrey because I've never written with her.

Jaquellene Jack Dyllan
Jaquellene Jack Dyllan
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 10287
Special Abilities : Occlumency
Occupation : Unspeakable | Beater for the Falmouth Falcons | Deed-Holder of Satan's


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burning building  - Page 3 Empty Re: burning building

Post by Kameko Zhou Wed Jul 06, 2016 8:00 pm

You didn't put any, so I'm gonna be awful and do the same one. And I say awful because I'm gonna save Adrienne. I probably wouldn't have a year ago, but she's finally doing something so I can't not. I don't really remember Audrey very well, so I'd leave her and I'd throw Yvette because Dec and her are friends and he'd be sad and I can't not.

1. James Potter
2. Lily Luna Potter
3. Albus S. Potter

Kameko Zhou
Kameko Zhou
Ravenclaw Graduate
Ravenclaw Graduate

Number of posts : 34
Occupation : Owner of Twelve Knocks

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burning building  - Page 3 Empty Re: burning building

Post by Alisha Merchant Wed Jul 13, 2016 11:36 am

...that cackle will lead you nowhere because my answers are actually too easy and predictable XP

Toss Lily because.......wolf powers? Razz
Leave James because more Potter sibling angst! Yas! (sorry Eli XP)

1. Claire Bishop
2. Fred Weasley II
3. Jack Dyllan
Alisha Merchant
Alisha Merchant
Seventh Year Hufflepuff
Seventh Year Hufflepuff

Number of posts : 37

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burning building  - Page 3 Empty Re: burning building

Post by Jaquellene Jack Dyllan Sat Jul 16, 2016 8:01 pm

I'm so mad at you Kiera. And yet, I feel actually really comfortable doing this...

Leave all three. Let's be real. They can get out without anyone's help.

1. Erika Dixon
2. Kit Avery
3. Fiona Grimm
Jaquellene Jack Dyllan
Jaquellene Jack Dyllan
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 10287
Special Abilities : Occlumency
Occupation : Unspeakable | Beater for the Falmouth Falcons | Deed-Holder of Satan's


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burning building  - Page 3 Empty Re: burning building

Post by Jaquellene Jack Dyllan Wed Jul 20, 2016 8:32 pm

Save Shylock, because he just seems to be the most harmless.
Toss Monroe, he's got stuff to do.
Leave Destrey. Idk if a burning building could take her down.

Ooh okay
Robert Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Teddy Lupin
Jaquellene Jack Dyllan
Jaquellene Jack Dyllan
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 10287
Special Abilities : Occlumency
Occupation : Unspeakable | Beater for the Falmouth Falcons | Deed-Holder of Satan's


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burning building  - Page 3 Empty Re: burning building

Post by Everly Bardugo Sun Aug 28, 2016 12:30 am

You don't have to do it IC. I never do.

Save: Ducky. Duh. His arc is too cool.
Toss: Oliver. He's resourceful and has bigger fish to fry than sitting around in a burning building. And let's not talk about that thing I mentioned to Alyssa and Jack about him and buildings, deal?
Leave: Athena. She used to be pretty awful, and even though she's apparently changed somehow, she probably has done some stuff to deserve it. And besides, she could probably get out.

1. Apollo Zabini
2. Christian Zabini
3. Lily Potter

[good luck.]
Everly Bardugo
Everly Bardugo
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

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