Two different worlds
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Two different worlds Li9olo10

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Two different worlds

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Two different worlds Empty Two different worlds

Post by Beatris Greyback Thu Aug 20, 2015 8:09 am

Another ordinary day.
Well, not quite ordinary, thought Tris. It's very cold for this time of year, and rain falls. There's something a lot about rain that soothes Tris. Perhaps the way in which every drop left out of the sky, but with a predetermined destiny where it will fall. Later, it evaporates and returns to the sky, which looks like an eternal cycle. This provides some security.

However, the rain has its faults.
It's nice to lie in bed and listen to the rain, but to walk out while pouring, that's another thing. These are the days when Beatris wanted to quit at job and just stay home. Unfortunately, this was not possible. Sullenly stood up and walked toward the bathroom. She never brushed her teeth longer, but she knew that one must come to an end. She looked in the closet.

"So Beatris Sophie Greyback, which clothes are you going to condemn to failure?" Spinning a strand of hair around her finger while she thought. In the end, opted for a plain jeans and a T-shirt, she will be in line with the weather. Ordinary, and grim. Maybe you should just apparate herself on the job? For God's sake she is a witch, she can do it. However, she preferred the human approach and with the deep breath took her ordinary human umbrella and went to the Leaky Cauldron.

She arrived surprisingly dry on the job. The place was crowded. There were mostly people who live above, or those who drink their morning coffee before work or for some reason here hiding from the rain. Either way, a great day, who never pass.

Almost at the end of the shift in local came in one good-looking guy.

"It seems that this will still be an interesting day," said Tris quietly.
But still, why would this guy was interesting? Tris did not want a connection but no friendship. However, she can has some fun.
"No, no, I will take this order," she said to colleague who went to the customer.
Instead, Beatris started walking to the boy.

"Good afternoon. Are you ready to order? "She looked at the boy, smiling.
He looked tired, he is probably drop by after work. She wondered what he was doing. She'd never seen him before, and she was sure he was not one of the Death Eaters. Maybe he's neutral? It would be interesting and useful. She's already thinking about how she can get him to join the Death Eaters. She just hoped he is not an orders member. Such is constantly seen here, and already they began to get on her nerves. She is tired of constantly hide what she is. But the silence was a fortune in this business. As long as she is protected from the truth, can hear a lot of conversation among members who carefree and somewhat careless talk in this bar with afternoon coffee. If they found out about her, it would change. They probably would have arrested her.
It does not go in her favor that she has on her arm label, forever. Dark Mark, the thing which is forced her to wear long-sleeved shirts and sweaters. But it was a small sacrifice, she persuading herself.

She again turned her attention to the guy, waiting for him to say what he wants.
Beatris Greyback
Beatris Greyback
Slytherin Graduate
Slytherin Graduate

Number of posts : 731
Special Abilities : Occlumency, Legilimency
Occupation : Auror

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Two different worlds Empty Re: Two different worlds

Post by Kace Lecium Thu Aug 20, 2015 2:28 pm

Another day bringing down bad guys and bringing justice to the wizarding world,  or so he thought,  he didn't know that today was going to be a boring day in the office.   His normal six in the morning alarm went off groaned. He was  still tired from last night and wanted nothing more than to just sleep in for once,seeing how it was a rainy day.  It was days like this that Kace just wanted to stay at home and sleep and stay in bed all day long, but he knew that he couldn't, he had work to do.  

Yawning he gotten out of bed and started getting ready for the day ahead of him.  Dressing himself in his normal dark blue almost black robes that were his Auror robes,  Kace brushed his teerh and hair, he grabbed his umbrella before heading out. Getting in his car, he drove to the cafe to get some pancakes and hot chocolate before he went to work. Looking down at his watch, he seen that he had to go to work before he was late, paying for his food, he grabbed his umbrella before he gotten into his car and drove to work. Parking his car a few blocks from where the ministry of magic was, he locked his car and walked through the rain under his umbrella to his job.  

Getting to work, Kace went to his cubicle to see pile of paperwork on his desk. 'What's the bloody hell is this? ' Kace thought to himself. Although he knew what it was, but it didn't mean that he liked it either, I mean who liked doing paperwork? " Today is doing paperwork that haven't been filed yet, so we're staying inside today! "said the guy next to him in the cubicle. 'Goodie if I wanted to do this crap, I could have stayed at home and do it, at least it'll be better than being here all day! ' Kace thought to himself. Sighing to himself, Kace set to work on doing paperwork and filing them in alphabetical order setting the finished ones on the corner of his desk.

The process went on all day long, and after several cups of hot chocolate and having lunch at his desk, Kace was done for the day at last. Packing up his stuff to go home for the day, he was stopped short as his boss gave him more paperwork to do. 'Are you freaking kidding me? Can there be a day where we don't have to file paperwork after every mission? 'Kace thought to himself. Taking the paperwork, Kace put it in his throw over, deciding to do it later on tonight he walked out of the Aurors office for the day. Walking out of the ministry, he seen that it was still raining which made him smile, most people hated rainy days but he loved them. 

Walking to his car, he gotten in it as started driving home to change his clothes into something more comfortable than his Auror robes. After a few minutes, he reached his apartment and parked his camaro in the parking garage as he locked it with his beeper. Walking up to his apartment he unlocked it before he walked in taking off his shoes and shutting his door. "Ugh...what a day! "said Kace to himself. Putting his throw over bag on the counter he rubbed his eyes tiredly. Deciding to take a quick shower due to him smelling from being in the office all day, he quickly took one and gotten dressed before he headed towards the Leaky Cauldron which wasn'tfar from his aapartment.

Once again, walking through the rain Kace headed towards the Leaky Cauldron to get him a nice Firewhiskey to calm his nerves after a long day. Walking into the dim lit pub, Kace smiled before he closed his umbrella and walked towards a table. Noticing that a couple of girls were smiling and giggling at him, he smiled and nodded politely towards him. Kace noticed that a girl told one of her Co workers that she'll take care of him, Kace raised his eyebrows but didn't say anything. "A firewhiskey if you please, it been a long but boring day! "said Kace rubbing his tired eyes sighing to himself.
Kace Lecium
Kace Lecium
Seventh Year Gryffindor
Seventh Year Gryffindor

Number of posts : 450

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Two different worlds Empty Re: Two different worlds

Post by Beatris Greyback Thu Aug 20, 2015 4:01 pm

"Tell me about the hard day," she said quietly to herself. "Of course, your whiskey arrives for a moment," she smiled politely and walked to the bar.
A couple of girls is looking in her direction and for some reason almost wanting to kill her. She did not understand why. It is true that she decided she wanted to serve this guy, but he was the customer. She was just doing her job.

She went to the bar and told the bartender order. While she waited, she sat down on a stool at the bar. Her legs is aching. Who is lying, hurting the whole body. This job used to be very hard. This is her first time in the four hours that she found the time to sit down at least a little. She looked around.

At the cafe is now a little less people than during the day. Most of the people went home, their families, or to their cats or whoever give them welcoming home in the evening after a hard day. Tris is now thinking maybe it is sad that no one will wait for her. She may end up being one of these people here. Alone, sipping drinks with anyone who comes, because frankly, they have no where to go. Someone Tris patted her arm and she jerked out of her thoughts. The drink is ready. With effort, she got up, hoping that the legs will not issue her. She just wants to go home and sleep.

She carefully took the drink and carried it to the customer. He himself looked too tired. She wondered again what he does, and how his job is tedious and hard. She carefully put the glass down in front of him and looked at him. "Drink is on the house. Maybe it will a little fix a bad day, "she winked at him with a faint smile.
After all, she did something nice for someone. Leaving a drink on the table, turned around and went back to her seat at the bar. All were served and she could get some rest. So, while she's here, she could treat herself with a drink. She ordered one butterbeer and after the cup came to her, she took a big gulp. The bartender said something to her but she didn't listen, just smiled and nodded sleepily.

She wanted to go home now.
It was still raining. She just hoped that there was not too cold. True, she was in a long-sleeved shirt, as always when he was at work, but still T-Shirt is quite thin.

She looked at her watch. By the end of the shift had another half hour. Well, maybe she could go ten minutes early if she can not be required. She took another sip of beer. This is one of the few drinks that she loved in this world. She loved tequila, vodka or something like that, but at this point the butterbeer might have to be okay.

Table not far from her remained empty. The guests have gone. She needs to get up and put away the glasses, but she felt too lazy for that. She pulled out her wand that she always kept attached to the belt on the jeans and gently swung him toward the table. The glasses were gone and created among the dirty dishes. Well, sometimes it's good to know some more magic, smiled to herself.
Beatris Greyback
Beatris Greyback
Slytherin Graduate
Slytherin Graduate

Number of posts : 731
Special Abilities : Occlumency, Legilimency
Occupation : Auror

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Two different worlds Empty Re: Two different worlds

Post by Kace Lecium Thu Aug 20, 2015 5:00 pm

Kace blue eyes looked at her with confusion in his eyes. " Um...excuse me, did you just say something? I must have sworn you asked me to tell you about my day. "said Kace biting his lip. 'Dear god, I'm more tired than I realize, need to go home and get some sleep in that's for sure! 'Kace thought to himself. Kace nodded and smiled. Letting out a small yawn, he shook himself awake, maybe a drink or two and he'll go home and get some sleep. He knew that he had paperwork to do, but he wasn't in the mood to do it, but then again, he was never in the mood to do paperwork no matter what. But he wanted nothing more than to get one or two drinks of Firewhiskey and head home and sleep, he was exhausted and wanted nothing more than to flop on his nice comfortable bed.  

While waiting on his drink, his eyes wondered around the pub before he shifted uncomfortably in his chair at the sight of the girls not to far from him, they seem about his age maybe younger but Kace wasn't interested in them. Not that they weren't pretty, it's just that he didn't want a girl who liked him just because of his good looks, but for who he really was. As cheesy and cliché as it sounded, it was the truth, and Kace couldn't hide from the truth. Feeling a bit hot though, Kace rolled up the sleeves of his long sleeve shirt. His muscles were hurting from sitting all day in a chair, he stood up to pop them out, but it didn't do much good.  

Sitting back down, Kace tapped his foot on the floor as he waited for his drink, maybe it wouldn't hurt do some paperwork while he waited. Of course he was tired, but it would kill the time while he waited on his drink. Getting out his wand he flicked it as his throw over bag came towards him. Careful not to show anything major, he set to work on doing the paperwork and reading over them. Running his hand through his hair, he read through the files as he wrote down a couple of things before he sighed his name placing it back in the vanilla folder. It was a good thing Kace could write with both hands due to breaking his arm due to falling out a tree, his right hand started to hurt as he changed to his left.  

At the sound of his drink being set down, Kace looked up from his paperwork and smiled at the girl. "Um... thank you, but why would a pretty like you buy me a drink, surely someone as pretty as you has someone right? "Kace asked her smirking. " Sure it's not poison or has some love potion in it and I wake up the next morning naked tied to a bed? "Kace asked her lifting a eyebrow at her. Of course he was kidding, and it never happened to him, but he have seen it happen. Kace was always careful in those situations, as he sees it, you can never be to careful. As she walked away, Kace did a quick spell on his drink before seeing nothing was wrong with it before he took a drink of it.  

After completing two of the many paperwork he had, Kace seen that his firewhiskey was almost gone, but he kept working despite him being tired. Besides it was raining to hard now for him to go home, he could apparate home, but he was trying to do things the muggle way at times. Not really paying attention, he looked up and seen that another firewhiskey was placed on his table, he didn't say anything but look at the girl quizzingly as he lifted his eyebrows at her. Kace looked up and noticed that the place was getting more and more empty, looking at his watch he decided maybe it was time to go home, besides the rain stopped for now. Drinking down his firewhiskey the girl brought for him, he paid for it as he headed towards the door.  

As he did a crack of thunder came. 'Really? Just when I'm about to leave, you decide you want to rain again! 'Kace thought to himself. As the rain came pouring down, Kace walked back in drenched in rain water. "Guess I'm not going home after all, it's pouring like mad outside, I love rain but its so bad that I can barely see! "said Kace. He barely step outside to put his umbrella up before he gotten drenched in rain water. Pushing his wet hair out of his eyes, he took his spot once again, wondering when the rain will stop so he could go home.
Kace Lecium
Kace Lecium
Seventh Year Gryffindor
Seventh Year Gryffindor

Number of posts : 450

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Two different worlds Empty Re: Two different worlds

Post by Beatris Greyback Thu Aug 20, 2015 7:06 pm

She shook her head smilingly to eliminate discomfort.
"No, I mean .. I did not ask .. but I can hear," she said politely, even though she did not want to hear about stranger hard day. She has enough of her problems. He was obviously too tired, or absolutely indifferent to hear properly what she tells him.

When she brought the drink for him, she remained appalled. So he now works. And no wonder he is so tired. Maybe he'd be better to drink good coffee? She could not understand people who obviously do not want to rest. That is the only logical why should read these papers after work.

She laughed at his comment for drinking.
"Does it matter if I have someone? Not that you're interested in, "she smiled.
"I have to disappoint you, I've never been good at preparing potions so you're safe. After all, I do not like getting guys that way. You think I need a potions to be attractive to someone? "She looked at him, pretending to be offended. She sincerely hoped that he is joking. Are there people who would be someone willing to plant a potion to get what they want? It is .. desperately. There are much better and easier ways to achieve their goals.

"You just seem tired and as you really need drink. It is so strange that the girl buy someone a drink? Maybe it should be the other way around? "Looked at him and smiled briefly and then left.

Her shift is finally over. Tris is almost bounced happily because she can finally go home. She put on her coat, she took an umbrella and headed for the door. Just as she came out, she repented. The wind was blowing so hard that she could not carry an umbrella, and soon she was completely wet. Her hair is blindness in the face and for the first time she was grateful that she did not put on makeup. It was very cold and she decided to go back to the cafe.

Her shift ended and she sat down at an empty table. She quickly took off her wet jacket for which she was very cold. There must be some magic to quickly dried, but did not want to take the risk to catch fire and burn up in flames or something like that.

Waiter came to her. She ordered another butterbeer and took refuge wet hair from the face. Obviously she's stuck here for a while. She put her head on her hands resting on the table. She is tired, does not want to do anything.The cafe was almost empty and here was surprisingly quiet and peaceful. That's something, she thought. Her T-shirt was glued to the body. She felt a little embarrassed about it.
The waiter brought her a beer and she immediately paid. She took a big gulp and put her mug on the table. She tilted her little chair so she can look out the window, but there was nothing special to see. The rain poured down, and in the dark night is seen only the occasional flash of lightning. She wondered how long she would be here. She got bored.

She looked at her watch. It is already ten o'clock at night. Her shift ended about an hour ago.

"Beatris Greyback. It does not matter if it's raining. If it does not change in the next hour, go home, "she said firmly to herself and took another sip of beer. Not far from she is noticed a guy whom she brought drink earlier. Obviously he was waiting to go home just like her. Probably he went out, he was wet more than her, if at all possible.
Beatris Greyback
Beatris Greyback
Slytherin Graduate
Slytherin Graduate

Number of posts : 731
Special Abilities : Occlumency, Legilimency
Occupation : Auror

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Two different worlds Empty Re: Two different worlds

Post by Kace Lecium Thu Aug 20, 2015 10:26 pm

Kace looked at her and laughed. " Believe me you don't want to know about the day I had, it was so boring it'll put you to sleep like it almost did me today, my boss had to keep waking me up multiple times! "said Kace honestly. Kace was extremely tired and didn't know what side was up or which side was down, he just gotten back from a mission not to long ago and was completely wore out after doing it. Thinking he'll have some time off, he came back to do freaking paperwork, of all things freaking paperwork! Out of being a Auror, that was the one thing Kace hated doing more than anything else, it was boring doing paperwork. Why did you have to do paperwork for, they were locked up in Azkaban, why did you need to do paperwork on that? Although Kace knew it was because of what they did and all that, but it still didn't make it any easier or fun to do.  

Of course Kace was a working man, he been working for awhile now as a Auror, he went straight into Auror training after he finished Hogwarts and graduated two years later. Although he been only a Auror for three years, it was the best job he ever had and loved being a Auror, despite doing paperwork after each mission. Kace noticed that she was a bit surprised to see that he worked, he wondered if she ever met much people who worked like he did, one thing Kace wasn't was lazy or a slacker. Although he did some in Hogwarts, but since he was a adult he decided to buckle down and become more serious, although he had fun at times he just didn't have as much fun as he used to due to being a Auror. Although he really didn't have a reason to stop being such a work alcoholic, he didn't have a girlfriend or a family, so there was nothing stopping him from doing what he loved doing. 

Kace looked at her and shrugged before smirking at her. " Well...usually a taken or married women wouldn't offer a men a drink for free, unless she was unhappy and having a affair with him. " said Kace. " I don't think so, your beautiful enoughto me that you could have any guy falling for you, just some desperate women out there. "said Kace honestly. " Ah...not good at Potions are we? I'm fair at Potions, never been my strongest subject, but got to know them due to my job so getting better at it."said Kace. Although Kace was just joking with her on the potion issue, he has seen it and sometimes people never come off of it, it was like being under the Imperius Curse having no control over what you're doing which was quite sad. 

Kace looked at her and chuckled. " I am tired, extremely tired I might add, but that comes with the job I do. " said Kace. " Hm... I might consider that, but then again we might offend some of my lovely admirers."said Kace smirking at the girls who giggled at him. Kace looked at the bartender and whistled. " Get this lovely lady a drink, it's on me! "said Kace as the bartender nodded as he gotten her a drink. " Now we're even my dear."said Kace smiling at her before she left and left him alone once again.

Kace ordered him a cup of tea to warm him up, he hated coffee and hhated the taste of it, he would rather have tea over it any day. Seeing his long sleeve shirt clenching to his body, showing off his tone chest, he did a quick drying spell drying himself off as well as his hair. He was starting to warm up now that he was dried off and had a cup of tea. Kace looked over and seen the girl who was serving him not to long ago sitting alone, he figured she was waiting for the rain to stop as well. 'This is stupid, there's no way in hell I'm staying here all night! 'Kace thought to himself taking a sip of his tea.  

Kace seen that it was getting late and he needed to get home, besides he didn't want to stay here when he had a nice comfortable bed waiting for him in his apartment. 'Probably should have stayed home if I knew it was going to rain like this, as much as I hate doing it I might have to apparate home. 'Kace thought to himself. Kace did so much magic being a Auror, he didn't like doing magic all the time, although some stuff he needed to do magic due to him not knowing how to do it the muggle way.
Kace Lecium
Kace Lecium
Seventh Year Gryffindor
Seventh Year Gryffindor

Number of posts : 450

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Two different worlds Empty Re: Two different worlds

Post by Beatris Greyback Thu Aug 20, 2015 11:09 pm

(Shrank a little post to coordinate actions, too many things written in the same moment)

"I believe your day was very tiring. I hate everything that has to do with a lot of paper, reading and analyzing, "she said, looking at him.
"But I hate to stand all day too," she shrugged. She herself could never imagine doing some work in the office. She could not imagine herself as a serious person enough to do it.

Her job is at least simple. All that is needed is to come decently dressed, and give people who want a drink. It was not that hard, but it was physically hard. However, sometimes the cafe was almost empty so Tris had a lot less work. All in all, it was so hard for her. At least she did not have until late at night to read the papers and analyze them, or whatever he does.

She laughed at his comment. "Well, thank you for the compliment. I do not consider myself so beautiful that I can get every guy that I like it. "She winked at him.
"Who would have said, we have something in common," she laughed.
"Potions are on me in the majority of cases meaningless, and I just have no gift for making potions." She shrugged and looked at him concerned. "What exactly are you doing if not a secret?" she cocked her head. Only not to be a member of the order, she prayed.

She looked at him. "I have not asked you to buy me a drink!" She shook her head playfully.
"You want your fans kill me? I just hope that death will be easy and painless for me, although I think that they will torture me first, "she shook her head as scared and then went to the bar.
"By the way, this lovely lady is Sophie," she told him her middle name, winked and went back to the bar. This she might cause a problem but not the interest. This boy is nice. It is not all about how he looks, his character is charming. There was something about him which is Tris wanted to discover.

After she sat down at the table, with her butterbeer, she raised her head from the table and taking in she accidentally noticed a guy who bought her a drink. He was now completely dry. So he knows the true magic.
"You know, you could teach me the spell for quick drying. ... I look vulgar, but I'm afraid that I will ignite if I tried to dry off with magic, "she admitted, and looked at him with an almost shy smile, which was unusual for her. In fact,she already accustomed to the cold of the wet clothes, probably will be home soon. She simply wanted to know more about this guy and is looking for a pretext to speak to him again.

Beatris Greyback
Beatris Greyback
Slytherin Graduate
Slytherin Graduate

Number of posts : 731
Special Abilities : Occlumency, Legilimency
Occupation : Auror

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Two different worlds Empty Re: Two different worlds

Post by Kace Lecium Fri Aug 21, 2015 12:04 am

Kace looked at her and chuckled. " You and me both, I hate doing paperwork more than anything else in the world, I'm glad that it's not permanent thing I do."said Kace. " I don't sit or stand doing the job I do, I move around much though and I get hurt alot sometimes."said Kace shrugging as if it wasn't no big deal. Kace was serious but he wasn't that serious to do paperwork all the time, it was to serious and boring to him.  

Sometimes he wished his job was simple, but where would the fun be if he didn't get in battles ever now and then? Although being a Auror was hard, he couldn't imagine working here like this girl did, just seemed like a pain. After all Kace was short tempered and he didn't like people who talked to much, it annoyed him. Kace loved his job, unlike some people he didn't hate his job, even if it wore him after the day. 

Kace looked at her and smirked. " I don't know about that, I bet that you probably could, you just don't pay attention to it. "Kace pointed out. Kace laughed. " Oh wow...who would've thought that we would have something in common!"said Kace. " I never been good at Potions, I'm lucky to make a acceptable on my OWl and NEWT."said Kace. Kace realized that he didn't tell her what he did, it wasn't really a secret, just the files he was doing was. "I'm a Auror, this is just paperwork I have to do after every mission. " said Kace.  

Kace looked at her and smirked. " Oh...well...then more for me!"said Kace shrugging but once againpplayfully. " I don't think they'll hurt you, even if they do, I won't let it happen so you're safe. "said Kace smiling at her. Kace looked at her and smiled. " So...I finally get to know your name at last huh? Guess it's only fair that I tell you mine. " said Kace. " I'm Kace, just Kace. " said Kace.   

'You liar you know that you're real name is Kacey! ' his conscience told him. 

'Shut up! No one needs to know that EVER!' Kace thought to conscience. 

Although he knew that if he was ever with someone he would have to tell her his real name, hopefully he wouldn't get laughed at. 

Kace looked at her and chuckled. " Not trying to brag, one of the spells I learned, I'm quite good with Charms and DADA."said Kace. " Here let me help. "said Kace getting out his Mahogany wand out once again. He flicked it at her jacket as it dried off as he flicked it at her as he seen that she was dried off.
Kace Lecium
Kace Lecium
Seventh Year Gryffindor
Seventh Year Gryffindor

Number of posts : 450

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Two different worlds Empty Re: Two different worlds

Post by Beatris Greyback Fri Aug 21, 2015 12:37 am

"Your work looks dangerous. I hope you did cut yourself a lot of times on a paper? "She said jokingly.
"But seriously, irrespective of papers, acting dangerously. I'm sure you have someone to heal your injuries when you get home after a hard day, "she asked, feigning not interested hinting that he definitely has a girlfriend.

Tris did not like her job and that's why she envied him. He was tired, but he seemed to likes his job, like he enjoyed every minute of it, no matter how difficult it was. For Tris it is a success in life. Well, that and family. She did not have any for now. She shook her head briefly forcing these thoughts. There was no need to now think about the family.

She smiled seductively, "I think I will soon check your theory about getting boy who I want. I just decided to get a special guy, "she said cryptically, looking into his eyes. He had beautiful eyes, a lot brighter than her.
"I fully understand your problem with potions, I went through the same" smile from her face suddenly disappeared when he told her what he does.
So much from winning Beatris - she said to herself in thoughts.

"Oh, Auror ..." She smiled nervously, not knowing what to say. "It is this .. very good profession. I mean, a lot of work, requires skill and courage ... "she stammered suddenly unsure of herself. Every trace of flirting disappeared.
This could be a big problem Beatris. Get away from him. - Again, the voice in his head answered.

"I guess you're in the Order of the Phoenix?" Trying to sound only mildly interested. Either way, this is the end. She may be arrested as soon as he finds out who she is, she must avoid that. She hoped that she would never see him again. In fact, she'd love to see him again, but this is not important. Now it's in the game all her life.

"Well, it was nice to meet you ... just Kace" she laughed softly.

She looked at him when he swung his stick and her clothes in the next moment was completely dry.
"Well, I should boast you, it was great. Thank you, "she laughed. "I'll have to learn this spell, it's very useful. Just tonight I will again need it when I come to home wet. "She made a face like she is sad.

Beatris Greyback
Beatris Greyback
Slytherin Graduate
Slytherin Graduate

Number of posts : 731
Special Abilities : Occlumency, Legilimency
Occupation : Auror

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Two different worlds Empty Re: Two different worlds

Post by Kace Lecium Fri Aug 21, 2015 2:05 am

Kace looked at her and laughed. " Oh yeah, those paper cuts hurt like hell, no wonder I have so many of them! "said Kace playfully. " I get hurt quite a bit by spells and stuff, I cancan'ttrelltalk to much about what I do, it's not allowed. " said Kace honestly. "Kace shook his head. " Actually no I don't, just me myself and I, plus my dog and owl. "said Kace. " Although I do go to St. Mungo's and have some sexy nurses take care of me, when there not I don't stay there long."said Kace smirking at her.

 There weren't many people out there that actually liked their job, but Kace loved his job more than anything, of course there was the paperwork to do but not every job was perfect. He knew that his father didn't like his job much, he didn't want to be like his father, he wanted to like his job. It wasn't the money that made Kace successful in his opinion, it was the fact that he made something out of himself, that was his success. Although he wanted to be successful and settle down and start a family with someone, clearly he hasn't found that right girl yet, but she was out there somewhere. 

Kace looked at her and smiled at her. "Well..seems to be working, you gotten my attention without trying to. "said Kace smirking at her. " Hm...a special guy you say huh? What kind of guy are you looking for? " Kace asked her curiously. " You never know, the perfect guy for you can be right under your nose and you'll never know it. " said Kace seductively before smirking at her. " I hated Potions more than anything, reminded me of muggle Chemistry! "said Kace rolling his eyes at the thought of it.  

Kace noticed that her mood all the sudden change when he meant he was a Auror. 'Something isn't right here. Kace thought to himself. Kace shrugged. " You can stay that, but I like it due to me always being around DADA which was my favorite subject, I made a Outstanding in that subject as well as Charms. " said Kace. " I haven't been one long, for about three years, I went to Auror training after I graduated from Hogwarts. " said Kace shrugging as if it wasn't no big deal. 

'Ok...that's definitely a red flag! 'Kace thought to himself. Kace debated on whether he was going to tell her, he didn't knowthat much about her other than her name. "Sorry I can't tell you that, not that I don't trust you, I just can't tell you. " said Kace. This was starting to become to weird to him now, why was she asking all these questions? Kace decided he had to be more careful and not give her out anymore information then he already did. He'd like to see her again, but there was something about her, something suspicious he couldn't quite put his finger on.

Kace laughed at her comment. " No seriously my name is Kace, nothing else. "said Kace. 

'You liar! 'his conscience told him. 'Shut up and go away! he thought to his conscience. 

Kace shrugged. " It's no big deal it's a simple drying charm, nothing big or major."said Kace shrugging as if it wasn't no big deal. " I can teach you it before you go home if you like, it's rather simple to do, just in the wrist."said Kace simply. " Why don't you try it on something and I'll see what you're doing wrong. "said Kace. " Here lets try a napkin, simple and easy! "said Kace as he flicked his wand making the napkin wet. " Now try it on the napkin, remember it's all in the wrist! "said Kace
Kace Lecium
Kace Lecium
Seventh Year Gryffindor
Seventh Year Gryffindor

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