Lily's meaning way of dealing with stuff, in spite of her charming looks and whatnot, surprised Seb quite the bit. He wasn't expecting her to explode and react like this to his approach, not at all, even if there was some hate in the middle or whatever. He was decided to keep letting her do whatever she wanted, counter-attacking just with simple words and actions, meaning to show her that he was only intent on making peace and conversation, just for time to go by and for a chance of their relation becoming, friendlier, if that is the most appropriate term. Perhaps, neutral would be better for now. That didn't seem like the case though, she seemed quite intent on harming him and in taking pleasure from it, almost hurting him deep inside his heart.
It was quite the relief when she flickered and swished her wand to prevent his teeth from going anymore, but the pain quickly came back when she grabbed him by his newly grown and hard incisor teeth, stretching down across his chest almost covering his entire stomach. The way she talked , in a quiet way yet fiercely imposing her stand and making herself known that she meant no joke, was, lovely, to say the least. That might have sounded a little masochist if said out loud, but Sebby was taking a bit of fun from this small encounter, he just preferred not to show it much.
"I'm afraid you are quite the charming lady, in spite of your deeds here, it changes no bit of the opinion I have of you. You could however, give me a solid reason for why you are doing this, and I could consider leaving you alone after it. After all, you can see I want no trouble, just company."
Speaking was quite hard at this point, as pain struck him harsh after every word he pronounced and let come out from his lips.