Hey, we've been toying with a thought of doing something that, to my knowledge, hasn't been done on PA. If it has, its been a forever or two ago. We're thinking about a Magic Competition to be held this Spring.
Now, this isn't a Triwizard competition. This would give both students and grads opportunities to compete with a wide variety of magic. Think of it more as a track meet for wizards, if that makes any sense.
For example, there could be dueling--for students and for grads--divided by a couple of levels.
Perhaps a Transfiguration or a Charms competition, where folks could either spar against one another or bring their best original spell.
I think this would give folks an opportunity to do something fun, where they could make threads with friends or with new players alike, or join group threads. I'd also like to strongly encourage those who have, in the past, shied away from dueling but would like to learn how to rp a duel to pm me directly. Dueling can be intimidating at first until you learn how to do it, but then it can be a lot of fun. Frankly, I miss it, but that might just be me.
And, if you like, we could also hold a Spring festival with it. I'm certainly open to any and all ideas. We could do happy things for personal plotting, or, if you'd like to put some sort of evil little tinkering in it, that would be good too!
Let's hear what you think! Do you like it? Would your characters come and participate somehow? What would you like to see us bring to this event?