Okay, let's take a step back. This is in no way directed at you or any illness you are facing. This is about the site being cohesive and having a set lore that less experienced writers can use to learn how to play those creatures. It isn't about you being wrong so much as the Admins having made a decision because it betters the way the characters can be written. No one is after you in any way, and to make it quite plain, some of us - myself specifically - were not aware that this related to something you experience. So this is in no way an attack on what you feel or deal with in your life. However, it doesn't really help to bring that in when we don't all understand it, as you've said. We can't understand, so it is difficult to expect us to. Werewolves, as a race, would deal with their own version of pain, because that is what their curse entails. No two diseases will feel the same, and while metaphors are helpful for figuring the rhetoric with which to write those scenes, it is hard to give them a 1:1 ratio and call it done, too.
I don't disagree that pop culture can be wrong, but we are going with what most of the world believes because it will make it easier for new players, and will keep the site a place where people know the rules and aren't constantly sending me PMs about whether or not they're doing it wrong. It shouldn't be about wrong and right, but rather about getting to write and getting to have fun with it. If the quick healing is what more people understand, it's what we'll go with.
I'm not disagreeing, either, with the idea that the werewolves would have to deal with the fact that they're liable to turn any time the moon bloody well says so (because, frankly, I'd be pissed if I had to deal with it), so if it makes sense for them to hurt lots before or after or all the time, then by all means. It doesn't seem to matter, though, if they all experience it differently. Stronger werewolves perhaps don't feel it as much, or heal more quickly than, say, newer ones or ones who are coming off of the changing. It makes sense to me that ones who have just dealt with the full moon would be much slower, response-time wise to injuries.
However, it's been decided that the more rapidly-healing werewolves fit within this site's intended world, and it coincides with what more people believe, so to make things more accessible for other writers, we need to go with that. I realize it may not be right in every realm, and that people will choose to write it differently depending on their characters' strengths (as mentioned above), but we need a baseline, and this is our best one.