If your student has any complaints, or has any trouble, they can always ask Keiran for help! The form to request a thread, or Keiran's intervention in a thread, can be found in the HOW-TO for this subforum.
Now, a suggestion or two for you, if you're not sure what to ask for but you want to thread with him:
1. Trouble with your Triflings (miniature dragons)? He might be able to help!
2. Struggling in Transfiguration or Charms? He can cover both. Herbology, too, actually. As needed.
3. Counseling is still available if anyone wants some house points. We can just say it was before the law was repealed. Or Keiran and Millie can help with breaking off the marriages as needed. But those requests should go in the counseling thread. There's a ton of information there, but what you really need to know is that students 5th year and up will meet with both of the Hayes. Just fill out the form in that thread and you're all good!
Note: What I posted in the comings&goings section still applies, but I miss Keiran so I'd rather focus on site plot things more than my other graduates. It'll just depend on how things pan out with my friend.