So, want a place to store all those trophies and medals you can earn here on PA? Well, there's no safer place than Gringotts!
Here's how it works!
Leave us a note here, and we'll assign a vault to your character. We'll give you a vault number, and then you can store all the valuable awards you collect. Because there might be, at some point, contests for students or grads separately, you may have a vault for each character. Or--if you like, you may have one vault to store the awards of all your characters. Its your choice.
When you apply for a vault, tell us how you'd like to apply:
Student account
Grad account
Multiple account (for one account for all your characters. This will be assigned to your primary account but you may place all your achievements in one place.)
The awards section beneath your avatar only is a counter. But to store or "display" your trophies and medals, do that in your vault, as your own personal PA trophy case. Its yours to design and arrange, so long as you meet our already existing requirements for graphics, etc.
One footnote, though, you may only place awards and trophies here that you have truly earned in site tournaments, etc., as opposed to things that of your own unique design. Sorry, but those lovely things of your own design are items you might want to store in your thread trackers, etc.
Questions? Let us know!