Out in the open air [open] - Page 2
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Out in the open air [open] - Page 2 Li9olo10

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Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Out in the open air [open]

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Out in the open air [open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Out in the open air [open]

Post by Lilyanya Faulkner Thu Sep 04, 2014 1:48 pm

Lilyanya smiled as she re-adjusted Chance on her lap with ease. "Yeah he can pretty much fit anyone but he seems to think he's a lap dog. He was heavier when I used to be human but being a vampire now his weight doesn't bother me anymore." Then she went still realizing that she just told her secret to a perfect stranger. Scooting away from her slightly so she wouldn't be afraid, sighing softly knowing that she might be afraid of her now. Lilyanya felt like she just opened her self to someone who may or may not start running away from her in terror.

"Please don't be afraid of me, I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm new to being a vampire and I don't have many friends considering. I have one that i'm friends with but he doesn't know that i am one." Lilyanya said softly petting Chance's coat. "I'm afraid to tell even him, I don't wanna lose his friendship." She knew that she was telling Hazel a lot but she felt like she could be friends with her. She only hoped that she may have someone to talk to about everything and they would understand completely.
Lilyanya Faulkner
Lilyanya Faulkner

Number of posts : 331
Occupation : Healer at Hogwarts

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Out in the open air [open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Out in the open air [open]

Post by Hazel Parker Thu Sep 04, 2014 2:26 pm

Hazel was surprised and shocked when she heard the words vampire. She just starred at her now and wondered what ahe should do. For some reason she really wasn't afraid of her at all. She didn't want to run away. She heard what she said next too. She just nodded.

"I have never met any vampire before. Maybe I have but you are first one who admits it. I won't run away. You seem nice and good person, if you won't hurt me then it's okay to be here," she said then something back to her. She was a still shocked about that all. "If you want you can talk with me, i'm good listener," she said added then.
Hazel Parker

Number of posts : 176

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Out in the open air [open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Out in the open air [open]

Post by Lilyanya Faulkner Fri Sep 05, 2014 3:18 am

Lilyanya smiled softly and said, "Most of us don't come out in the day time but I do. There maybe some that do come out during the day that you may have met without knowing it." She grabbed Chance's ball and threw it so he would chase it. Scrambling out her lap, he knocked her backwards as he ran after his ball. Laughing she picked herself up and got back into a seated position, she watched him for a little while before sighing softly. "With him I have to be careful so i don't hurt him accidentally. It would kill me if i ever hurt him, he's a part of my family and he's a great dog." Lilyanya said looking over at Hazel.

She pulled her knees up to her chest wrapping her arms around them. "I'm afraid to tell my friend the truth about what I am because....He means the world to me, we've been friends for a while now. They paired us up when we were at Hogwarts, he was Slytherin and i was a Ravenclaw. Our friendship didn't happen until we were pouring over books, he's a great guy." Lilyanya said remembering how they fought with each other until they shared the same love of books. She couldn't help but smile every time that she thought of the those times. "We got to know each other slowly through books, now we meet every month at the same place every time. We even have a table that we sit at specifically and it's like no one wants to sit there." She said as she heard a soft bark as Chance started running back towards them.
Lilyanya Faulkner
Lilyanya Faulkner

Number of posts : 331
Occupation : Healer at Hogwarts

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Out in the open air [open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Out in the open air [open]

Post by Hazel Parker Fri Sep 05, 2014 6:43 pm

Hazel nodded her head now. "I see," she said there and smiled. "Oh. I see. My only family is my little sister actually. There is no parents in our life anymore. So soon will be the rabbit part of our family too," she said there now.

She listened waht she said there. "Oh I see. It's hard to tell yeah such thing to someone. For me you actually said it accidently too," she said there now and wondered what she should do now. "I'm not sure what you should do or how you shoulds solve it. I'm not good at giving advice," she said there now and it was true.
Hazel Parker

Number of posts : 176

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Out in the open air [open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Out in the open air [open]

Post by Lilyanya Faulkner Sat Sep 06, 2014 9:19 pm

Lilyanya smiled softly at her, "I'm sorry that you no longer have your parents for you and your sister." She said as Chance nudged Hazel with his muzzle before laying down next to her. He put his head on Hazel's leg closing his eyes and relaxed. "Well I'm pretty sure that you now have a best friend, he likes you which is saying something because he's usually really hyper around new people." Lilyanya petted Chance's fur as his tail thumped softly on the grass. She laid back on the grass to look up at the stars above them and smiled.

"I know, sometimes being a vampire has it's upsides but there is always more bad things than there are good. I should have stayed inside that night when he bit me, but i was too stubborn. I had to go out and get my mother's medicine that night when he found me." Lilyanya's eyes glazed slightly as she remembered that night. "He came out of no where, he grabbed me around my waist and pulled me into an alley. I thought he was gonna kill me, but the only thing he said was 'I'm sorry but one day you'll thank me for the gift I've given you.' Never will I thank him, he destroyed my life and I can't get it back." Lilyanya kept his eyes on the stars, "I'm sorry I don't know why I even said that."
Lilyanya Faulkner
Lilyanya Faulkner

Number of posts : 331
Occupation : Healer at Hogwarts

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Out in the open air [open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Out in the open air [open]

Post by Hazel Parker Sun Sep 07, 2014 4:08 pm

Hazel nodded her head quietly. "Yeah. It's was hard at first yeah. Basically my sister doesn't even know her mother. I had to raise her since she was born. Now she is four and it's much easier already. Still you can't take her everywhere," she said ther now and looked how Chase put his head on her legs. "Yeah I guess. He is such good dog," she said awhile she did pat him there. Talking about her family wasn't never easy and she rather won't talk about it much. She looked up to sky at the starts.

Hazel listened what Lilyanya said about being vampire. "Oh I see. Never been one so I can't help you much about it for sure. You have to be careful I guess now," she said there and sighed. She wasn't sure what kind of advice she could give her now therr. "You probably should tell your friend who you are. It's better to tell yourself than he hears it from someone else who have figured out or knows who you are," she said there now and looked at Anya. She wasn't sure what to say on her story.
Hazel Parker

Number of posts : 176

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Out in the open air [open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Out in the open air [open]

Post by Lilyanya Faulkner Mon Sep 08, 2014 4:57 pm

Lilyanya looked at her and said, "That must be hard to have to raise your sister from when she was a baby. Well since you can't take her everywhere maybe my niece can visit with her. She's the same age as your sister, I know it must get lonely sometimes being all alone." She smiled looking at Hazel remembering what her niece told her not so long ago. "Her name's Jasmin and she's extremely friendly as well as a hugger. Meeting new people makes her day, of course I'd have to get permission for her daddy to steal her for a few hours."

"It's okay, yeah being careful doesn't even begin to cover it though." Lilyanya said softly looking down at Chance. "Yeah telling him would be the best idea to tell him what I am. I just hope that he doesn't wanna run the other way because of me being what i am. I couldn't bear it if he rejected me as a friend but i would understand completely." She petted her Chance's fur softly then looked up then at her watch keeping an eye on the time.
Lilyanya Faulkner
Lilyanya Faulkner

Number of posts : 331
Occupation : Healer at Hogwarts

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Out in the open air [open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Out in the open air [open]

Post by Hazel Parker Mon Sep 08, 2014 6:27 pm

Hazel nodded her head. "Yeah it's was hard to raise her and still is. There is noone into who to turn when I need help. Sometimes neightbour granny helped me out," she said there nkw and still looked at that sky. "Sure they can meet. Aqua is friendly too. She may be four but she acts already as big kid sometimes. She is even very clever one. If you get her premmission then you can let me know," she said there now with smile. Aqua needed to have few friends in her age for sure.

"That might be true," she said there now. She looked at Chance now. She was such good dog. She nodded there her head. "Yeah let's hope he won't run away or ignore you when you tell it to them now. If he does then he really wasn't your real friend then," she said therw now to her. She looked at Any now even too, she did pat the dog too a little bit still. Hazel looked at her watch too, she can't stay out very long time.
Hazel Parker

Number of posts : 176

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Out in the open air [open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Out in the open air [open]

Post by Lilyanya Faulkner Wed Sep 10, 2014 8:57 pm

"If you ever need help, you can always ask me. I watch my niece a lot for my brother while he works so I can easily help you whenever you need it." Lilyanya said smiling softly at Hazel. "Yeah my niece acts the same way sometimes and it surprises me some of the stuff she says. Sometimes cleverness in a child means that they will be very smart when they are older. My brother and I were the same way when we were four years old. My mother said that sometimes we would conspire against our older brother with just a few spoken words to him." Lilyanya laughed softly as she remembered the havoc they raged between them.

"Yes, it would probably break what little bit of hope i have left. I've kept it from him for far too long and I know it's time to tell him. I hope that he stays, it would kill me if he saw me as a monster." Lilyanya said softly as she rubbed the place above her heart. "It's sad how much he means to me and I don't have the courage half the time to tell him everything. I wish I was strong enough to tell him without looking pathetic as I do now." Sighing she pulled her knees up to her chest wrapping her arms around them.
Lilyanya Faulkner
Lilyanya Faulkner

Number of posts : 331
Occupation : Healer at Hogwarts

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Out in the open air [open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Out in the open air [open]

Post by Hazel Parker Sun Nov 02, 2014 1:45 pm

Hazel smiled. "Sure I will ask if I need any help. Not sure when I need any help," she said there with a smile now. "Probably yeah I was quite smart then actually when I was four," she said there now and smiled there now. It was good time but she was so only child until her little sister was born. Also she had just a mother, no father at all. She just had few close friends who were like siblings but now she have lost connections with them.

"I hope it goes well for you," she said there and tried to sound positive. It was good to make some new friends. "I can't tell what he will think now. I was surprised at first when I found out but I accapted it who you are. You are not a monster," she said there and wasn't sure if it would be good idea to hug her but she did it still.
Hazel Parker

Number of posts : 176

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