"That's exactly what had been told to me. Just not by my mom. She's dead, awhile." He furiously glared at her. When he's angry everyone around him needs to be angry, too, and Lilyanya seemed like she's having the best fun in her life. It's not fair! She needed to scream the same way he wanted but he restrain himself. Screaming is not nice These were the words his mother always said after Christian and him had a fight. He could still hear her words every time he was angry.
One of bad sides of being a werewolf is that alcohol leaves your body much faster than if you're regular human being, so Sebastien was more or less sober now. Sober enough so he could see the picture he was staring at. He could see younger version of them, in the library, probably learning, or arguing, these were the two only things they did on daily basic. He smiled watching the photo, sometimes he almost missed Hogwarts, almost.
He decided he won't give any answer to Anya, if he joined him in his little drinking party, he would, maybe, but since she stopped him, no, there's no force strong enough that could make him answer on her questions. Even he could admit to himself that he's acting like a child but he had nothing against that.
Sebastien felt like he got a punch in his face. He sat there stunned, unable to move, unable to even think about anything but the last words she sad to him. In love, with him? Him, among all the other people? Until now he could think about only a few times when he was scared in his whole life, and this took the first place on the list. Maybe even terrified would be the better word to describe all this.
She will die. Everyone around him who loved, even liked him always die. Like he was cursed or something, but the reason is irrelevant, the outcome is what matters. And so far the outcome was the same, someone would got hurt or even dead and he would left deciding he won't let that happen ever again. Leaving. Maybe he should leave now. Leave everything he knows and go to...somewhere. Take the first bus or train and leave never looking back.
Run away. Isn't he a bit too old to run away like scared teenager? Grown up man should stay and try to solve this somehow, at least the majority would do that. But he has never been like the others. He can't leave, that's how much he owe them, not just to Lilyanya but to his brother, Hayley, to all the people he knows. No matter how many times he left them, they were always here to greet him back, always accepting him for who he is. Maybe the time for paying debts had came, he could even try to understand, if nothing more.
With that thought he raised up and walked through the same doors as Lilyanya. He leaned on the doorframe finding her in the kitchen. "Why? Why me?"
(OOC. Sorry for waiting, I had no time for writing since I had exams.)