"It seems to me we should give it a try, then, if you're interested," Khaat said. "I guess we should start with getting you acquainted with the place, then. If you take over the potions lab, though, do be prepared, the place needs re-supplied with ingredients. It probably needs cleaning, and we do need our stores of potions completely replenished. It's going to look like a daunting task. The lab is quite large. If you need to hire some potioneers to work beneath you, then feel free to do that, so long as you keep a check on the quality of the potions, of course.
"You would have an office on this floor--two doors down from this office on the same side of the hall. My father's office is between this one and yours. We all share the same administrative assistant. As I said, your hours would be your own to choose, but you would also be managing staff and their issues as well. It can sometimes be a very busy position."
Then Khaat had a thought. She hadn't even asked Fox if she was interested or comfortable in dealing with some of the staff issues or the administrative issues that were also part of the position.
"My apologies," she said. "I didn't even ask if the whole administrative side of things was something you were interested in doing if you needed to."