“As much as I’d like to claim it, Ms. Cooper, I do not make the rules nor do I decide on the matches. As far as the law goes, my research may have kick started it, but beyond what is written, I cannot claim to have the power.” Ana frowned at her own words, knowing that the two sitting in front of her could full well choose not to believe her, though the words were serious and quite displeasing for a woman who preferred being in control of the situation around her.
“I’m not saying you cannot petition the entire thing, mind. I’m just suggesting that rather than dealing with the lot of it, it may be beneficial for the both of you to avoid all of the trouble that ordeals like this involve because of the Ministry’s lengthy chain of command. Surely the joint, shared life wouldn’t be so bad as to turn you off of the idea?”
Ana glanced between the two, almost feeling bad for Brant as he seemed interested in having children of his own, regardless of the fact that a marriage involved his having to know her kids. At the very least, if they decided to accept this, he could have his chance to be a father. Ana couldn’t exactly force anything at that point, so she simply decided to sit back and let them work it out for themselves. “It is up to the two of you right now. You can petition the Ministry, and accept the amount of work that will take. Or you can choose to work together in this. I can’t exactly persuade you now.”