Keeping Your Character
We'd all like the site to stay current. One of the snags we hit is with inactive characters that affect plot, jobs, factions, and a number of other things. Its our intention to be fair to all players so in order to keep your character you must observe the following points.
- Please post with him or her no less than once every six months at minimum.
We will be posting a list of those who are about to be made inactive in order to give the players a chance to post but we will be deactivating any characters that have not been used in over six months.
- Once the character has been inactivated, s/he will be removed from the playby list, factions, jobs, etc.
If you want to reactivate your character, please contact an admin to have the character resorted. If it has been an extended amount of time since you've last used the character (i.e. months) however, we might ask you kindly to remake the application so you're sure you've still got a feel for the character.
Be aware that once your character is removed from jobs, pb lists, etc. that another player can indeed ask for that particular job or pb. All pb's and most jobs are first come, first serve. You always have a right to pm an admin if you have a concern.