So I need some awesome plots to keep me addicted to PA. I have too few threads, so keep drifting off...
Molly & Arabella...anything. Could work in any travelling, since both Dad's work for Ministry & mother's are housewives. Only just realised they're both similar in that way xD. Though charries are not.
Molly...I'd kinda like some guy plot. Though she has no interest in guys, at least until now, cannot tell when someone is flirting, etc. though that has made things interesting in the past xD. Also a good girlfriend, I'm thinking of making something tragic happen to her, not sure what, but she may need some comforting.
Arabella...she's trying to build her popularity, basically. So will be nice to those more popular than her and look down on the rest.
Jemma...any adults? If there are any older guys (50+, preferably 60+), she needs a man. I also want to get her back in Hogwarts, so if there are any Hogwarts-y people (or not) who could convince her, also would be good. Same with OotP. And nothing too tragic, she's had enough to deal with in the past, tbh.