Alex sighed as she checked the documents in her hand and then searched around for someone to ask directions from. It was time for her check up but like usual, at least in her recently acquired memories, she found herself lost in the confusing hallways of St. Mungo's. It wasn't the hallways fault on its own, her lack of attention, constant falls and general dawdling might be a reason for the fact that she couldn't remember the way to her designated Healer. For the third time in a week.
It didn't help that she didn't really want to be here, especially since she never bothered with the Healer's strict guidelines on what she was supposed to do and what she wasn't supposed to do, doing instead exactly what she liked. "Where are all of my exes when I actually need help?!" She muttered as she wandered the hallway, knowing she was on the right floor but other than that, nada.
"They show up when I do not need them. When I really do not need them and somehow, miss me entirely when I do?! I mean, what the bloody hell is up with that? And who needs flowers when you are sick anyway? Roses make me sneeze. What kind of a douche would you have to be in a relationship to not know your own 'girlfriend's' choices? Oh weirdo number three, I had high hopes. You are ruining them mate." She trailed off abruptly, the sudden realization making her stop that she had just spent the past 5 minutes staring blankly at a division of paths in St. Mungo's and mumbling to herself. Damn! Maybe its time I started speaking to my Healer, after all.