Alexi walked into the Broom Store and looked around, seeing if there was any information on any of the brooms. He wasn't much of a flying fanatic, well he was, but he didn't know the difference between a firebolt and any other broom for that matter. When Alexi failed to find the quality information of the brooms, and only saw a price tag for each of them, he moved to the front counter where there was supposed to be the shop owner. "Could you be as kind as to telling me information about the brooms you currently have in stock?" said Alexi. He lightly arched his back and leaned on the counter with his left part of the body, his left arm bent onto the counter ina comfortable position. Though Alexi didn't wish to be rude, he could have sworn that he smelled some strange fragrance. It may have been from the equipment used to polish and keep the brooms in high quality. Or, it could have been the fragrance choice of the shop owner. In Alexi's opinion, the store had a fragrance of willywort perfume mixed with a long deceased cadaver.