Padril sat at a table in the libray, piles of books stacked around him, parchment neatly folded at his elbow. He had a stack of notebooks sitting next to it, all his collected class note taking from the year. The books were the core reading of a few of his subjects, plus a few texts he thought would be incredibly useful. They were not there for his benefit; he'd read the greater part of them already. It was for his guest, whom Padril waited eagerly for in his school uniform, lined with the Hufflepuff yellow.
The pirate was in town.
Padril was excited, like he was every year when she arrived. Darcy Deas was not a pirate, but a sailor who studied from her ship and only came to school at the start and end of term. The 'Puffs had just taken to calling her a pirate because, damn, that was cool. Darcy was in the same year as Padril, and he tended to drift towards interesting people who didn't quite fit in. When she returned to school, she often found it difficult to keep up with the rest of the class, so he had begun exchanging his tutoring and class notes for her sailor stories- the true and the ludicrous. It was a world he had never even glimpsed before, and it felt so bizarre to speak someone who felt like she was straight out of a Sinbad story. Darcy Deas' very existence made Padril elated at the state of humanity. There was a buckswashling, buttkicking, swearing, teenage sailor witch. If that didn't mean they lived in the best of all possible worlds, he didn't what did.
He quietly flipped through his notes, trying to prioritise what to show to Darcy. Her OWLs hadn't gone so well and she needed drastic improvements. Usually their exchanges had been fairly tongue-in-cheek but if Darcy legitimately wanted to do well on her NEWTs, they'd both have to buckle up.