Molly watched him playing the tune again, following his fingers up and down the piano. He then started singing the finger-numbers along to it. He didn't have a bad voice, Molly noted. She noticed him blushing though once he'd finished, though she couldn't tell why.
"You're not bad at singing." she told him, not wanting him to feel embarrassed. "Maybe that will help." she added.
Molly placed her fingers on the keys as she did before, and sung aloud whilst she played some of the tune.
"Three, two, one, two, three, three, three, two, two two, three, five three." she got halfway through, before forgetting what the next number and note was. She had gotten further than the previous time, which was surely a good sign. She was a decent enough singer, though she thought she was pretty average herself.
"Well I can only do half of it, but that's probably my memory. If I wrote it down, it would probably be easier." Molly suggested. "And yeah, another instrument would be fun, though I can barely do this one at the moment." she commented, not wanting to sound stupid. Bertie had had a lot more practice than her, after all. She was glad he was excited, and she couldn't deny that she'd been having fun. It was much better than memorizing transfiguration theory, that was for sure!