Vivianna was nervous, she'd have to be insane not to be. From the look of things she was the youngest here by far, and was already getting more involved in war than any of those silly little supporter groups that existed in Hogwarts. She'd worried that others would be suspicious of her, but from the look of things she seemed alright. If the young witch hadn't been so practiced at looking confident, she might've been shaking. With nerves or with a terrified excitement, she couldn't be sure.
The first one to truly speak was Albus Potter, the leader. Or the figurehead, at the very least. It was always possible that someone else was speaking through him. They both knew that she hadn't been on the invite list, but the man didn't seem to mind. He had almost seemed, pleased? But Vivianna was hardly going to complain about things going her way. The teenager found herself nodding along slightly as the man spoke. The passion was overwhelming, and there was no place she'd rather be. The next person to talk was a vampire, Vivianna knew how to recognize a vampire. The man was defiantly dark, and spoke with almost as much passion as Albus had. If this was the type of people she was getting involved with, the Hogwarts student was sure that they'd go far.
It was odd, she was more nervous about the adults surrounding her discovering her true age, than getting involved in something this illegal. Technically, her experimental brewing was far from legal. The redhead had studied the laws on the subject to the point that she could recite them in her sleep. Fooling around with and slightly improving existing draughts was allowed, but a permit was needed to actually create your own potions. To get a permit, one would need a Potions Mastery. Once a permit-holder invented a potion, it had to be registered with the Ministry within the week. Considering that the student created her own potions without having a permit or Mastery, and that none of her creations were filed with the government, the witch wasn't exactly keeping a clean nose. Technically speaking, the girl was breaking at least three laws on a daily basis, one of which was possession and usage of illegal draughts.
Taking a deep breath in and insuring that her voice wouldn't sound to young, Vivianna turned to Albus Potter and said, "I'm in."