Nogard, Bertius Peter
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Nogard, Bertius Peter Li9olo10

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Nogard, Bertius Peter

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Nogard, Bertius Peter Empty Nogard, Bertius Peter

Post by Guest Wed Apr 17, 2013 5:17 pm

Nogard, Bertius Peter Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSaF5y9bzv3v7SfJ9RgSkoLB-ftnrdWHOgIxdkmDMKky3px1h_N



    FULL NAME: Bertius Peter Nogard

    NICKNAMES:  Bertie 

    AGE: 15 Years old.

    BIRTHDAY: 10th September

    ALLEGIANCE: Neutral

    HOGWARTS HOUSE: Ravenclaw

    OLD WAND: 14 1/2 inches, Laurel, Unicorn Wand Core, Slightly Springy 

    PLAY BY: George Shelley 


    HAIR COLOUR: White

    EYE COLOUR: White


    BODY BUILD: Slim 

    GENERAL APPEARANCE: Bertie has longish hair that has a natural wave, almost curl to it and his fringe swishes across his face. He has chubby cheeks, occasionally sad eyes and a cute smile. He is of a tall slim build yet has smaller hands than you'd expect. His arms and legs are long in comparison to his torso giving him a somewhat lanky appearance.
    Bertie is also a ghost, meaning that he is of a translucent appearence and levitates slightly off the ground. He wears his Ravenclaw robes all the time as these were the clothes that he was wearing at his time of death - a shiny silver stain down the front of them due to the blood that he had coughed up.



    + The main strength showcased by Bertie is his creativity. This is something that comes so natural to him in a variety of forms, such as writing and music, because he has an incredibly large imagination. Something that he loves to have.
    + Herbology is Bertie's strongest subject.  He is interested in learning about all the cool and unusual plants out there and their quirks. He also had a talent at the practical side, which could be because his Mum is a keen gardener. Unfortunatly this is a strength he no longer can relate to as much being a ghost but still has a strong attachment to the theory side of it.
    + He has a thirst for knowledge and so will pay attention to what people have to say, ask questions and he sometimes reads up on different questions tha suddenly pop into his head, as a result his ghost can be found in the library most commonly.
    + Bertie has a strong sense of individuality meaning he is who he is and can't pretend to be anyone but himself. This individuality is from numerous reasons: being an only child, having no friends until Hogwarts and being in a house where everyone is accepting of others and are all usually themselves - the Ravenclaws don't try and be people that they aren't.
    + He is a perfectionist, which is a strength because it means he will dedicate himself to his school work and creative hobbies, making them the best that they can be. Bertie spent extra time re-writing homework so that it was as presentable as it could be. However this is equally a weakness because it reduced the amount of time Bertie has to do other school work, spend time with his friends and attend to his hobbies - luckily he has as much time to do everything so that is no longer a problem.
    + Growing up Bertie was always considered the outsider, the victim. This has led to him being able to understand what others are feeling and so has resulted in him being a kind, caring, empathetic boy who takes into consideration the outcome and hates to upset or do things that could hurt people.
    + Although not a Hufflepuff he has a strong Hufflepuff attribute: Hardworking. It is in his blood to work hard to achieve the beat grades that he can and do his Mum proud. Despite that he won't work hard in some areas such as flying as he isn't a keen flier - something he need not worry about anymore.

    - He lacks in transfiguration theory and the complexity that it holds. Granted, he is an intelligent boy, although he isn't incredible in every area of subject as there are areas everyone can find shaky. What he finds complex about the subject is when it has a mathematical/physics approach to it and the phenomenon of where vanished objects go (into nonebeing). 'nonebeing' is someonething that completely baffles him.
    - He is timid and won't really stand up for himself, instead he will take whatever anyone gives to him, thus making him an easy target to bullies.
    - Shyness often goes hand in hand with being timid. The Ravenclaw isn't shy when he has gotten to know someone, in fact he can be the opposite of shy, but around those he doesn't know he comes across shy. This is because he doesn't know the person and so doesn't know their likes and dislikes, if they were to get on or not, if they would dislike him. Despite this he does find it easier being around girls and is more shy with wizards - this is because he has never had a male role model in his life.
    - Bertie is very independent because of growing up as an outcast/ oddball in his Muggle primary school. Although some would think that his being independent is a strength Bertie considers it a weakness. The reason for this is because it means he doesn't trust a lot of people, has difficulty making friends and is usually alone - which he has developed a defence mechanism against, which is getting lost in imagination. Now he is a ghost he feels even more alone and isolated.
    - He is a sensitive boy and words hurt more than physical pain for him. Although he tries to hide when someone has hurt him sometimes people do realise and, especially Gryffindors, find it amusing. 
    - He wasn't the best potioneer, mainly because he doesn't like the aspect of doing many things at once such as boiling something, then whilst the armadillo bile is boiling shred the boomslang skin into equal shreds. There is sometimes too much going on at once, which illustrates a weakness in his ability to multitask. Thankfully when it came to potions he had Vivianna to give him tips and help him out although as a ghost brewing potions is something he need not worry about and can simply enjoy the theorectical side of the subject.
    - Physical activity, whether it be in the form of duelling, flying or simply Muggle sports Bertie isn't the best. He doesn't have great physical ability as he isn't muscular and doesn't seem to put any muscle on even if he does use them a lot. Duelling especially is a weakness because, granted he can cast the spells, his accuracy is dreadful and isn't quick, meaning he usually gets hit by a spell pretty soon resulting in the end. This is something that isn't so much a weakness anymore to Bertie, although he is still coming to terms with his new body form and is slightly confused and albeit a bit frightened about going through walls and such.

    + One of Bertie's favourite places is the library, especially by the table halfway along by the history section where there is a huge window that Bertie enjoys sitting by. This is his prime spot for writing as he can look out of the window up at the sky and enter his imagination. Likewise sitting in the clock tower where there is the big window-clock face is something of Bertie's past times, however he only goes to the clock tower when he wants to escape and be alone - usually when he is sad.
    + Another reason for his like of the library is that his all time favourite smell is the scent of parchment, which of course the library is full of!
    + Taking leisurely strolls in the grounds and sitting under trees in the summer is something that Bertie loves. The cool air brushing his face and gusting around the hem of his robes gives an odd, yet wonderful, sensation. The grounds is also home to the herbology greenhouses - Bertie's favourite class. Although he has never actually been into the forbidden forest he does love walking along leaf strewn paths and the being in a forest, mainly because they can hold anything from magic to mayhem and is a perfect place for the imagination to thrive. Bertie would go into the forbidden forest with Vivianna but he wouldn't want to get into trouble and the fact that it is forbidden suggests that it is dangerous.
    + Bertie loves Honeydukes sweet store in Hogsmede and is especially interested in how the different sweets cause different effects, such as what causes you to breathe fire when eating a black pepper imp. The exciting 'Exploding Bonbons' and the mundane 'liquorice wands' are Bertie's favourite snacks and he could eat them until the sun goes down. Sadly this is now only a happy memory because he is a ghost and can not taste or digest the sweets.
    + Ever since showing his first spurt of magic Bertie has had a connection with playing music. He likes to pick up different instruments and play them, although he does prefer the piano above the others. Bertie also writes songs and will sit in the music room, playing the piano and singing when nobody is around. This is a pasttime he can really engage in now he is dead and has all the time in the world to master his musical craft.
    + Probably what Bertie is most known for amongst his friends is his writing ability. It is one of his favourite past times and spends almost all his time getting lost in different stories that he cooks up in his mind. He has also been known to wake up in the middle of the night and start scribbling down an idea that randomly, but luckily, popped into his head. 
    + One thing Bertie enjoys about Hogwarts is the lessons themselves. Granted he doesn't like all subjects but being in a classroom full of eager Ravenclaw's urges him on to do well and pay attention. Whether the class involve scribbling notes down, group discussing or the teacher asking questions, Bertie loves to get involved and showcase his intellect. Sometimes he will sneak into a lesson (now as a ghost) to learn.
    + The Ravenclaw Common Room is Bertie's home from home. In his opinion it is one of the most spectacular rooms in Hogwarts. The huge, round room with elegant windows engraved into the wall and the domed blue ceiling embroidered with twinkling silver stars is really a beautiful place to spend time. Despite that, being a ghost, he tends to stay away from the common room because it can sadden him to see that he can't enjoy the things they do.
    + Bertie is interested in ancient architecture, meaning Hogwarts is a wonderful place for Bertie to be. From the magnificent Great Hall to the spiral staircase of the Owlery there is things he loves. He also enjoys walking down streets lined with ancient buildings and, during the summer holidays, taking photographs of churches, cathedrals; old post offices and so on.
    + He liked fruity drinks such as mango and passionfruit, apple juice and strawberry smoothies to name a few. In particular Bertie likes to drink non-alcoholic cocktails, his all time favourite being strawberry purée, apple juice and lime.  
    + Divinations was a fun lesson for Bertie. Despite it being terribly inaccurate he enjoys the symbolism and using his imagination to discover what the future holds. It is a 'chill out lesson' that doesn't require much thought and comes naturally to Bertie. 
    + Vivianna Varnes, a Slytherin two years older than him, is like a sister to Bertie. Within the castle Walls he is closer to nobody else but her and loves to spend time with her, whether it be a serious discussion, teasing each other or simply talking and telling her about his latest story.
    + Wizard Chess is Bertie's favourite game to play and he is part of the Ravenclaw Wizard Chess club and has been since his first week at Hogwarts.
    + Snidget, Bertie's toad, is a connection he had with Hogwarts when home for the holidays. It is his companion and although they aren't overly close Bertie is very fond of his pet toad - despite often not knowing where he is as Snidget likes to explore.
    + The media is an interest to Bertie. He likes reading the daily prophet at breakfast and keeping up with what is going in. Back home he also is a huge fan of the radio and so loves to listen to muggle music and keeps up to date with relevant pop culture when using the Internet. 

    - However he didn't always enjoy Care of Magical Creatures when dealing with dangerous/ unsafe animals or when the weather is bad. During the winter Bertie would rather huddle near the Gamekeepers hut to keep warm and out of the drizzle than take part in the lesson. Although he likes the subject Bertie will most likely drop it upon completion of his OWL's.
    - Bertie has no real interest in sports and doesn't watch a lot of the Quidditch matches, instead taking advantage of the empty castle. Unless the weather is decent or Ravenclaw are playing Bertie will not watch a quidditch match. In addition he hates flying because of his fear of falling. 
    - He doesn't like people who eat like barn yard animals. Whether that be noisy eaters, messy eaters, eaters who eat with their mouths open and eaters who shovel their food down their throats. He also dislikes the strong scented food unless he is eating it, in particular he hates crisps and sauces! 
    - Bertie doesn't enjoy physical fights and confrontation, especially duelling. This is because of his timid nature and lack of strength, plus the prospect of getting hurt.
    - When Bertie is trying to say something or share an idea and people simply ignore him then he feels rather crestfallen. However when he is in the middle of explaining or telling a story and is continually interrupted then he can become a tad grumpy. 
    - One thing that Bertie doesn't like about Hogwarts is that he doesn't get to see his Mum. He was hoping to see her during Hogsmede visits but as she is a squib and doesn't have the means of transport to get there Bertie doesnt get to see her. This is the saddest thing for Bertie being a ghost, he knows his Mum is alive, he can see her again but, as she has no magical ability, she can not see him. 
    - People who act as though they are the best at everything and look down on those whose abilities aren't as great as there's really do irritate Bertie. Ravenclaw is polluted with a fair few students like this, who Bertie stays away from - his younger cousin Theodore being one of them. 
    - He also dislikes people who think they are cool, act cool and are considered 'popular'. This is because he doesn't think the traits they have are worthy traits to be popular by and those big headed characters are usually not very nice people either - usually calling him a dork, saying his ideas are stupid and thinking him as a 'weirdo'. One day he wants to become famous to show them that to be popular requires a talent and personality in the real world.  
    - Bertie doesn't like to get into trouble, which is purely because of how he has been brought up by his Mum. This means he is sometimes cautious about doing things when he could get told off by a teacher and as a ghost still obeys any rules.

    Bertie was never sure of what he wanted to do exactly, he always wanted to use his creativity whether it be to write for the Daily Prophet, become a published author or writing songs, or perhaps even becomming a teacher. Now he is a ghost, however, his only goal is to try and understand the reason he is a ghost and to discover what being a ghost is all about.

    He occasionally giggles or smirks to himself if a funny thought comes to mind - this is something he can't control. He ruffles his a hand through his hair sometimes or twists the ends.
    Another habit of Bertie's is that he tends to daydream a lot and look out of the window as he does so. Others may find him interesting and quiet peculiar in the sense that he seems to live in his own bubble.

    Bertie's greatest phobia is wasps. As a result the boggart will morph into a swarm of giant wasps with bright yellow and black markings with slightly sharper and more defined stingers. There is no known reason to Bertie's phobia, it is just that: an overly irrational fear. His fear of wasps is so great that if, in herbology, he sees any buzzing outside not too far from an open window he will make an effort to close the window. Unfortunately if there is a wasp in a classroom the poor Ravenclaw will simply sit in his seat shaking as he wouldn't want to get in trouble for running out of the room - however if the wasp were to come near him then he wouldn't have any control over how actions and most likely make a scene. Thankfully it is only the hottest of months when there are wasps in Scotland. Even as a ghost he tends to avoid them out of habit.

    He misses his Mum more than anything in the world and wishes that she wasn't a squib so that she could see him as a ghost.

    When Bertie looks in the mirror he would see himself being celebrated for his creativity and imagination. Depending on what he has been drawn to the most lately he would either see himself at a book signing, performing a song he wrote to a crowd of people or being on the front page of the daily prophet. 

    When a dementor is near, inhaling all the happiness from it's surroundings Bertie will begin to think back on his lonely childhood, having no friends and being mocked/exiled by the Muggle children at the primary school he attended. 

    Bertie is a creative, imaginative young boy. His imagination is what he prides most and tends to think outside the box. He is a perfectionist and likes things to be perfect, such as his work he takes pride to ensure that it is neat and works hard to ensure it is most presentable. He makes a loyal friend and stands up for what he believes in, and has strong opinions whether he sometimes voices or them or not. Bertie can be shy and timid around people he doesn't know, mainly because he doesn't know what to say and what their likes and dislikes are. He is conscience and doesn't like to get in trouble, following rules wherever they are. He is an independent young boy and prefers to read alone and as a ghost he is still the same person but more curious about why/how/what being a ghost is all about.


    FATHER: Peter Liver (Muggle)

    MOTHER: Joyce Nogard (Squib)

    SIBLING/S: None (only child), which is why he is very close to his Mother, with it being just the two of them. 

    OTHER: He is close to his Grandma who lives in the same town five minutes away. She was a Muggle who married a wizard an had six children, meaning Bertie has a large number of cousins, three of which attended Hogwarts (Paul, Stephan & Roxanne, the first working in magical maintenance and the later who are currently travelling). He is closest to his one year younger cousin Theodore, despite being overshadowed by Theodore's expansive knowledge and ambition to become a healer - something Bertie feels he has to live up to. Although he is closer to Theodore he gets on much better with Vivianna Varnes and sees her more of a blood relative than Theodore.

    BLOOD STATUS: Squib Born

    RACE: Ghost 

    SOCIAL STATUS: Lower Class 

     Western Green Toad (Name: Snidget)


    Early Years: When he was born  his aunties, uncles and cousins expected him to not show any magical talent being born to a Squib and a Muggle. He was never close to his father, when he was two years old he showed magical ability, such as changing the colour of certain flowers and other items around the house. When his Mum tried to explain how Bertie had somehow caused  his Fathers brothers piano to play by itself his Father thought his partner and child to be crazy so left just before  Bertie's third birthday. 
    Because Bertie has grew up without a male role model he finds it difficult to communicate with males and would rather shy away from them, leading to an increase in independence.
    Growing up in a muggle town meant he went to muggle schools and read Muggle stories, listened to muggle music and watched Tv. Of course he used to love visiting his cousins where their parents has magical careers and their houses were full of magic, this made him eager to go to Hogwarts and when he received his letter he couldn't be more happy - even his Mum cried and was so thrilled that he could get to live the dream she never got to. Throughout his time at Muggle school he made little friends due to him appearing 'odd' and 'different' to the other children. As a result he used to play imaginary games by himself in the playground or sit in a classroom and read up on different topics they had recently covered in class or write short stories and poems.

    Hogwarts Years: Bertie is in his third year at Hogwarts and has performed well in all test, although having a slightly lower Mark in transfiguration, since he started. He consistently is praised by teachers and is very competitive, enjoying the race for house cup and this competitive streak also urges him to excel in his academic work. He has shown an aptitude for Herbology and has now taken up divinations, care of magical creatures and even muggle studies despite being from a muggle background - he intends to drop this at the end of the year due to it not being challenging enough and a slight waste of time seeing as he knows it all being from a muggle background.
    Throughout his time at Hogwarts he has struggled to make a vast number of friends and prefers to be independent, probably because he has never been given an opportunity to socialise beyond that of his family due to being considered an outsider at primary school. Despite this he has a strong bond with Vivianna Varnes and the two are like brother and sister and as Bertie enters his fourth year at Hogwarts their relationship stands strong.
    The evening before he started his fourth year Bertie was rushed to St Mungo's due to showing symptoms of the green itch and a magical bug. After extreme measures taken by Sophia Granger and a lengthy recovery time Bertie was discharged and returned to Hogwarts, unaware that the magical bug was lay dormant within him.
    On the 12th October 2026, Bertie began to cough up blood at the Ravenclaw table and was rushed to the hospital wing, however by the time the healer from St Mungo's had arrived, which took time as emergency floo connections were needed to be set up at the Ministry, Bertie had died from the magical bug at exactly nine o clock in the morning.
    Somehow and for some unknown reason Bertie came back as a ghost. Something he never thought about and now Bertie is stumped as to why he came back as a ghost and wants to look into the matter and discover what being a ghost is all about. Unfortunatly, his Mum being a squib, means she will never see her son and to protect her wants her not to know that he is a ghost, simply because it would pain her even more to know that her son was there she just couldn't see him.


    ALSO KNOWN AS: Rob John

    RP EXPERIENCE: Used to RP many of years ago on a Harry Potter RP site known as Hoggie Hallows. 

    HOW YOU FOUND US: google. (Harry potter Hogwarts roleplay forum, then I just clicked the links until I came across one I liked (this) 

    PURPOSE OF CHARACTER: To role play in and experience the world of Harry Potter in a fun environment. 



Last edited by Bertie Nogard on Sun Oct 13, 2013 12:57 pm; edited 10 times in total (Reason for editing : Update.)

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Nogard, Bertius Peter Empty Re: Nogard, Bertius Peter

Post by Khaat Lupin Thu Apr 18, 2013 1:40 am


Welcome to PA! I've been reading your app, and I can see potential for your character to fit into either Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. He almost looks to me like he has a bit more Hufflepuff than Ravenclaw but they're very close. Shall I presume you would prefer Ravenclaw, since most players put the house they want most first on the app?

Oh, a small thing, but, unless Bertie has been put back a year for some reason, he would be a fourth year. If you want him to be a third year, which is fine, he needs to be 13, not 14. Can you clarify for me what you prefer there?
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
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Nogard, Bertius Peter Empty Re: Nogard, Bertius Peter

Post by Guest Thu Apr 18, 2013 9:17 am


I would have liked him to be a Ravenclaw. I can see him becoming more Ravenclaw-like the older he gets but I guess he also does have the attributes of a Hufflepuff. He will enjoy being a part of either of the two houses so I'll leave the decision up to you.

Ooops that should be 13, if that is okay?

Thanks for your feedback Smile

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Nogard, Bertius Peter Empty Re: Nogard, Bertius Peter

Post by Khaat Lupin Fri Apr 19, 2013 9:46 pm

You can make him more like aRavenclaw if you like with a couple of edits. One of the key things I look for in a Ravenclaw is that not only are they exceptionally creative, but I see their intelligence and wit--being able to think well on their feet--as being almost primary to most everything else. I guess I also see Ravenclaws as having a bit of an independent, self reliant spirit.

If you'd like him to be a Ravenclaw, you need to add some of that sort of thing to his personality. Does that help?

And yeah, 13 does help clear the age thing up.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
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Nogard, Bertius Peter Empty Re: Nogard, Bertius Peter

Post by Guest Sat Apr 20, 2013 12:16 am

Thanks for the feedback. I added a greater sense of independent throughout the character, such as living in his own bubble and being considered 'odd' and 'different' at primary school leaving him to play by himself or write and read during his spare time as opposed to playing with friends. Also because he hasn't had a male role model he prefers to shy away and not socialise with males as much. Hope that's helped him become more Ravenclaw like?
I also added a bit on how he likes to learn and so may possibly consider become a teacher as he is eager to help others understand things they may struggle with. Hopefully the extra bit on the wanting to increase his knowledge through reading, helping others become more intelligent and an independent streak will make him more a Ravenclaw. Ideal with those edits that I can sense more of a Ravenclaw in Bertie know and he seems more the character I originally wanted him to be thanks to your suggestion.
Thank you :-)

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Nogard, Bertius Peter Empty Re: Nogard, Bertius Peter

Post by Khaat Lupin Sat Apr 20, 2013 12:29 am

Yes. Its much better. Separates him more distinctly from a Hufflepuff.

Accepted and sorted into Ravenclaw.
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
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Number of posts : 23821
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Nogard, Bertius Peter Empty Re: Nogard, Bertius Peter

Post by Anabelle Mulciber Sat Apr 20, 2013 12:35 am

Anabelle Mulciber
Anabelle Mulciber
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