Monaco, Niamh
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We have been a Harry Potter Roleplaying site since 2007. If you're an old member we hope you come check out the discord link provided below. And if you're looking for a new roleplaying site, well, we're a little inactive. But every once and a while nostalgia sets in and a few of our alumni members will revisit the old stomping grounds and post together. Remember to stay safe out there. And please feel free to drop a line whenever!

Monaco, Niamh Li9olo10

What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

Monaco, Niamh

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Monaco, Niamh Empty Monaco, Niamh

Post by Niamh Monaco Wed Apr 17, 2013 12:23 am

Monaco, Niamh Rooney-mara-285166066

Niamh Alaine Monaco


    FULL NAME: Niamh Alaine Monaco.

    NICKNAMES: Nivvy, Coco.

    AGE: 15.

    ALLEGIANCE: Dark Followers.

    HOGWARTS HOUSE: Ravenclaw, Slytherin.

    CLASSES: Potions.

    WAND: Cherry, phoenix feather, 11.5 inches, springy.

    PLAY BY: Rooney Mara.


    HAIR COLOUR: Dirty blonde.

    EYE COLOUR: Hazel.


    BODY BUILD: Slender.

    GENERAL APPEARANCE: Niamh is a tall girl for her age- she’s always been taller than her female friends, and often taller than many of the boys in her classes. Her eyes are large and hazel, her nose a bit crooked where she’s broken it in the past, and she has very full lips, which make up for the gap between her front teeth. Her hair is long, wavy, and dirty blonde, and she usually keeps it tied up in a sloppy ponytail- she can’t be bothered with brushes or combs. She’s quite skinny, without any of the curves that girls her age are developing, and this bothers her. Her skin is pale but she’s got a natural blush, and a slight spattering of freckles across her nose and cheeks.


    STRENGTHS & WEAKNESSES: Strengths- friendly, loyal, mature for her age. Weaknesses- can be a major backstabber, as she usually only looks out for herself unless she cares deeply for someone.

    LIKES & DISLIKES: Likes: Boys who are taller than she is; reading; listening rather than talking. Dislikes: most girls her age, people who don’t ever stop talking about themselves; people who expect her to talk all the time.

    GOALS: To become famous- or even infamous. A more secret goal (i.e. one she has only told one person before) is to have a family, though she doubts it will ever happen as she’s too concerned with herself.

    HABITS & QUIRKS: Habits: Chewing on her lower lip/inside of her cheek, laughing nervously, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet when standing. Quirks: Has an irrational fear of being touched on her arms unless she trusts someone, has a little mantra she must repeat silently to herself before going to sleep- she feels very unsettled and “off” all day if she didn’t do it the previous night.

    BOGGART: Dying unknown.

    PATRONUS: The birth of her younger brother.

    DEMENTOR: Her parents’ breakup and subsequently being separated from her father and brother.

    VERITASERUM: She wants the “perfect” family.

    MIRROR OF ERISED: See above.

    PERSONALITY: Niamh is friendly- but only once you’ve gained her trust. To those she doesn’t know, she is guarded and wary. She isn’t cold, though some would describe her as a snob. She tends to mutter under her breath about people who aggravate her, not meaning to be heard- but she’s always had a sort of louder-than-normal voice, so she doesn’t get away with the muttering all the time. She believes herself to be better than her blood- she’s a Half Blood, and believes she was meant to be Pure. Thus she lies about her status when people ask. In fact, she’s become quite good at lying, about lots of different things. But she would never lie to those she cares about, as she is loyal to a fault.


    FATHER: Gerard Monaco.

    MOTHER: Alise Monaco.

    SIBLING/S: Liam Monaco.

    OTHER: None.

    BLOOD STATUS: Half blood.

    RACE: Human.

    SOCIAL STATUS: Middle class.

    PET/S: A cat named Patrick.



    Early Years: Niamh was raised by both her parents. They were loving parents, for the most part. Her mother was a witch and her father a Muggle. Niamh was born out of wedlock, and her brother followed a mere eleven months later. Since they were so close in age, the siblings became close in other ways as well. They were best friends, more or less, and most people thought they were twins, as they looked exactly alike as well. However, Niamh’s mother’s volatile temper caused strife within the family, and when Niamh was 8 her parents divorced. Her father took her brother, and Niamh stayed with her mother, who became much more relaxed and loving with the males out of the picture, for reasons Niamh has yet to understand. Niamh experimented with magic beginning when she was 9, though she wasn’t completely aware of it.

    Hogwarts Years: During her first four years at Hogwarts, Niamh kept mostly to herself. Sure, she had a select few friends, but merely out of necessity. She had no real desire to be friendly nor to grow close to anyone. But upon turning fifteen, and realizing that she was overwhelmingly lonely, she attempted to make more friends. This didn’t particularly work out so well, as she’d always been perceived as a snob, not to mention the fact that she was outspoken about her dislike for anything less than Pure Blood.

    Adulthood: Unknown.


    ALSO KNOWN AS: Karissa.

    RP EXPERIENCE: Oh goodness. A lot. I began doing 1x1s with a friend via text/AIM, then with another friend. Within the past two years I began rp’ing over Tumblr in RPGs and some 1x1s, then migrated back to AIM.

    HOW YOU FOUND US: I think I typed in something like “good roleplaying sites”. I don’t remember.

    MAIN CHARACTER: Niamh Monaco.

    PURPOSE OF CHARACTER: To grow in my roleplaying skills and to develop one of the OC personalities I’ve been toying with for a while.


Niamh Monaco
Niamh Monaco

Number of posts : 21

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Monaco, Niamh Empty Re: Monaco, Niamh

Post by Khaat Lupin Wed Apr 17, 2013 1:43 am

I like her. I like the way you've melded her personality and her values. One explains the other very well. I think she'll really do well on our boards.

She does not seem like a Ravenclaw to me nearly so much as she seems to be a good solid Slytherin. I presume that since you put that as one of your choices for her that you'd be alright with that?
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

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Monaco, Niamh Empty Re: Monaco, Niamh

Post by Niamh Monaco Wed Apr 17, 2013 1:45 am

Yes indeed I would! I'm assuming I'm good to begin posting now?
Niamh Monaco
Niamh Monaco

Number of posts : 21

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Monaco, Niamh Empty Re: Monaco, Niamh

Post by Khaat Lupin Wed Apr 17, 2013 2:02 am

give me a moment or so to sort you. i was off posting. lol. when you're name shows up colored green, you're good to go.

accepted and sorted to Slytherin. Welcome aboard!
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23821
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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