FROGG, Anne Elisabeth Oen
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FROGG, Anne Elisabeth Oen Li9olo10

What’s Happening?
Since every few months or so a few of our old members get the inspiration to revisit their old stomping grounds we have decided to keep PA open as a place to revisit old threads and start new ones devoid of any serious overarching plot or setting. Take this time to start any of those really weird threads you never got to make with old friends and make them now! Just remember to come say hello in the chatbox below or in the discord. Links have been provided in the "Comings and Goings" forum as well as the welcome widget above.

FROGG, Anne Elisabeth Oen

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FROGG, Anne Elisabeth Oen Empty FROGG, Anne Elisabeth Oen

Post by Anne Elisabeth Frogg Sun Mar 24, 2013 10:52 pm




    FULL NAME: Anne Elisabeth Oen Frigg

    NICKNAMES: Anne, Elisa

    AGE: 11

    ALLEGIANCE: Neutral
    HOGWARTS HOUSE: Rawnclaw or Gryffindor

    CLASSES: Potions.

    WAND: Pine, dragon heartstring, 11 inches, midly flexible

    PLAY BY: Dakota Fanning


    HAIR COLOUR: Golden Brown

    EYE COLOUR: Forest green with a yellow circle

    COMPARATIVE HEIGHT: average for age

    BODY BUILD: normal

    GENERAL APPEARANCE: A average height girls with long thick straight golden brown hair. She has red cheeks and light freckles on all over face during summer but disappears once winter comes. Her big green eyes are encircled by a grey boarder and have a small yellow circle at the inner part or her eyes. Her nose is short but it works well with her sharp chin and already strong jaw, giving her a cute look despite her strong features.



    (W) Relentless in her pursuit of answers.
    (W) Not the greatest attention span.
    (W) Have no sense of direction.
    (W) Fear of losing people in her life.
    (S) Kind and understanding
    (S) Logical
    (S) Loyal
    (S) Curious


    (L) Watching clouds
    (L) Drawing animals
    (L) getting answers or information.
    (D) Not getting answers
    (D) Being ignored
    (D) Getting lost without anyone close
    (D) Stepping out of bed (afraid of someone grabbing her ankles)

    Find her place at Hogwarts and make friends


    - Whenever nervous she runs her tongue along the back of her teeth.
    - Jumps in and out of bed when waking up or going to sleep. Afraid of monster.
    - Being facinated and commenting things which looks normal to others.

    BOGGART: A corpse wearing a black cape comming from under her bed.

    PATRONUS: It's hard for her to remember her. How her aunt looked but she remembers she smelled liked tea, the good kind. She used to draw the most amazing drawings, in some of them she was a princess saving the prince from a dragon, others she was captain of a ship on the ocean. She remembers her touch as she gently teached how to draw. "The most important is to draw what you see in your head and mix it with what you feel in your heart, then you can't do wrong." Those words was always whispered in her mind as she put the pencil to the paper.

    DEMENTOR: Sitting in the livingroom when the cops suddenly stands outside the door. Her mom starts crying while her dad looks down with a pained look. She stands up and walks over to her mommy and asks why she is crying and tries to grab her hand, but her mother disapears into the kitchen. Her father takes her back into the livingroom where all her drawings and crayons lies scattered over the floor. With an insteady voice her father tells her that her Aunt have been in a car accident and has died.

    VERITASERUM: (Greatest Secret; Optional)

    MIRROR OF ERISED: (Greatest Desire; Optional)

    Her aunt waving towards her to join her drawing on the floor made of paper behind her
    PERSONALITY: Anne Elisabeth Oen Frigg is seemingly pretty normal. But if you follow her you can find her looking around, looking lost, which she most likely are. Her horrible sense of direction often ends her up in places she shouldn’t be or don’t know of. This coupled with an undying need to get an answer to every question she thinks of, makes Anne a child you don’t want to keep your sight of for long. Aside for these problematic traits she is a polite child which wants nothing more than to be liked by her peers and superiors. She is a little above average bright but lacks the focus to do anything she does not find interesting, but exceeds in the subjects she do.  


    Miles Frogg
    Ingrid Oen Frogg
    OTHER: Wenche Oen

    BLOOD STATUS:  Mother is muggle and father is a wizard with mixed background.

    RACE: Human

    SOCIAL STATUS: Middle Class


    A bag filled with drawing paper, crayons and a picture of family.


    Early Years: Anne Elisabeth was born in Norway, Bergen on a stormy day in May. When she was born her eyes looked around big as marbles around her, taking in her surroundings before reaching to touch everything within reach. Her father, Miles Frogg, who was originally English but had moved to Norway to combat the increasingly problem of dragon pit fights, wanted to move back as the political situation in Norway worsen. Ingrid refused this and they agreed on staying as long as Anne was safe. The curious little girl did not wait long to show her troublemaking traits, as soon as she could crawl she would disappear, only to be found at the weirdest places hours later. Her Aunt, Ingrids sister Wenche would often look for her, and was the only one who seemed to be able to keep track of her, despite not being even remotely magical. Her childhood was filled with laughter and hours spent on the floor drawing with her aunt. One day however, when Anne’s mother and father was making themselves ready for a date night, Wenche did not show up as planned to babysit. A hour later, two policemen knocked on the door and revealed that her aunt had died in a car crash. This devastated the girl and for a long time she had problems dealing with her parents leaving for work. As she grew older, it got better, and at the age of 6 she started at muggle school by her mother’s request.

    Constantly asking questions and weird things always happening around her, she was freezed out from her class only to have one friend, who was in reality no friend at all. After Anne one day had no lunch to share with her, she yelled at her for being stupid and boring and that she would no longer be her friend. In desperation Anne said that her father worked with dragons. If she promised to continue being her friend she would show her. They managed to sneak into the storage where they held the rescued dragons. Chaos ensued as fire, claws and teeth seemed to blend together, her father heard their screams and came to their rescue, but was badly burned in the process. Her friend was memory wiped after the incident, now forever fearing dragons, Anne also lost her only friend.  Miles was now badly injured and could no longer work out in the field, this forced them to move back to England to get a desk job at the ministry. The years following were as normal as a magical family could hope for, but the feeling of sacrifice and lost hung over them. Anne adjusted well, but starting at a English school with a weird accent did not make things easier. She was taken out and homeschooled by her parents, her father most of the times telling tales of the best magic school in the world. Hogwarts.  

    Hogwarts Years: Unknown




RP EXPERIENCE: Mostly pen and paper rpg and mmo's.

HOW YOU FOUND US: Google -> best rp sites

MAIN CHARACTER: Anne Elisabeth Oen Frogg

PURPOSE OF CHARACTER: To learn the ropes of the site as well as developing a main character.


Last edited by Anne Elisabeth Frogg on Mon Mar 25, 2013 2:08 am; edited 3 times in total
Anne Elisabeth Frogg
Anne Elisabeth Frogg

Number of posts : 7

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FROGG, Anne Elisabeth Oen Empty Re: FROGG, Anne Elisabeth Oen

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Mar 24, 2013 11:06 pm

Hey, Astrid! Welcome!

Would you be so kind as to change your user name from Glamary to your character's name? Even just the first and last name will do.

I'll look over your app in a moment.

Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
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FROGG, Anne Elisabeth Oen Empty Re: FROGG, Anne Elisabeth Oen

Post by Khaat Lupin Sun Mar 24, 2013 11:46 pm

I have to tell you, I like her. I like that she is a pretty typical 11 year old, despite all the stuff she's been through. I also like your imagination and creativity. I'd not really have thought of dragon pit fights. A nice touch.

Just to be clear, what we mean by patronus is her happiest memory. It doesn't necessarily mean the animal that would be conjured by the spell.

It seems your first choice for her would be Ravenclaw, correct? (I think she'd make a very good Ravenclaw, by the way.)

If you would like to add a playby and need help with it, let us know. There are a lot of members who are wonderfully creative when it comes to playbys and would probably give you loads of suggestions.

So, yeah. If you add her happiest memory in the Patronus section, I think she'll be ready for me to accept her. Nice!!
Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23821
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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FROGG, Anne Elisabeth Oen Empty Re: FROGG, Anne Elisabeth Oen

Post by Anne Elisabeth Frogg Sun Mar 24, 2013 11:56 pm

Thank you for the wonderful reply! I'm glad you liked the dragon pit, it's a bit hard to imagine how things are runned in the magic world in Norway (also did not want to step on any toes if they had written anything before so it became a bit vaouge)

Yes, I feel she would fit nicely into Rawnclaw!

I'm all new to forum rp, do you have a page where words and such are explained or perhaps a link to something similar? I'm afraid I'm not sure what a playby mean : /
Anne Elisabeth Frogg
Anne Elisabeth Frogg

Number of posts : 7

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FROGG, Anne Elisabeth Oen Empty Re: FROGG, Anne Elisabeth Oen

Post by Maddie Kane Mon Mar 25, 2013 12:00 am

A play by is a model actor or sing who you have chosen to portray your character
Maddie Kane
Maddie Kane
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FROGG, Anne Elisabeth Oen Empty Re: FROGG, Anne Elisabeth Oen

Post by Anne Elisabeth Frogg Mon Mar 25, 2013 12:01 am

Ah alright! Thank you so much. Just added one, I checked with the list of registerd one so hopefully its not taken Smile
Anne Elisabeth Frogg
Anne Elisabeth Frogg

Number of posts : 7

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FROGG, Anne Elisabeth Oen Empty Re: FROGG, Anne Elisabeth Oen

Post by Khaat Lupin Mon Mar 25, 2013 12:05 am

It was very nice. You're going to do just fine.

I figured out that English was not your first language, but you handle the difference beautifully. And we have lots of members from all over the world who speak other languages, so you'll fit in just fine.

A play by is a famous person that you'd like your character to look like. Notice the photos that appear with my posts. You can add that if you like. If you have an idea of who you'd like Anne to look like, we can help you attach pictures to your character so they appear whenever you write a post. Some of the staff and the members are actually very, very good at that. Very talented.

To get an idea of how to do forum rp, go here, and read these first:

This one may be especially helpful:

In the meantime, I'll accept her and sort her into Ravenclaw so you can officially get started.

To introduce yourself, go here:

Once you're there, make a post and introduce yourself so that members get to know you and ask for someone to start to post with.

I have a student character, but he's a bit older. He's a fourth year, if thats okay.

Anyway, let me sort you while you read.

Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
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FROGG, Anne Elisabeth Oen Empty Re: FROGG, Anne Elisabeth Oen

Post by Khaat Lupin Mon Mar 25, 2013 12:41 am

Khaat Lupin
Khaat Lupin
Gryffindor Graduate
Gryffindor Graduate

Number of posts : 23821
Special Abilities : Energy Worker, Medium, Heightened Sensitivity
Occupation : Director of St. Mungos, Owner of Sparks Bistro

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