Teddy was sick of History of Magic. So, she did something she had only done once or twice before, and only because it had been of the upmost importance she had done it.
She ditched class.
The girl had done so in spectacular fashion too. She had been in the back, doodling all over her desk, when her eyes had lolled onto the door. She glanced around- no one noticed. She pulled on a sun hat and glasses from her bag. No one even glanced at her. She picked up her things, stood, and left. No one said a word.
She hadn't gotten far when she heard the voice of a prefect. She quickly dodged into the out of order bathroom and Moaning Myrtle began following her as Teddy check her makeup.
"I'm gonna tell. I'll tattle. You'll get in trouble, wee little girl. You're supposed to be in class. Can't wait to tattle on you, I can't, for you mean to taunt me!"
Teddy turned around and roared, just as someone entered the room: "Go back into the sh!thole you came from you breathless b!tch before I kill you twice!"
Myrtle stared at her a moment before letting out a howl, diving into her toilet as teddy sat upon the sink, filing her fingernails irritably.