As far as friendships went, Kingsley's and Ne'os' relationship was quite a strange one. They had been allies, and they had been enemies, but Kingsley had never once had the slightest dislike for Ne'os Emof. He had been disappointed, confused and frustrated with him, but Kingsley believed that Ne'os was not evil like the other death eaters were. Besides, the debt they all owed him for defeating Voldemort could not be repaid in any way.
He frowned slightly as Ne'os talked about the vampire attacks. Then he sighed, and gave a tired smile. "A good strategy," he said, without much interest. Kingsley didn't really believe that no one had been harmed, vampire attacks were a growing concern nowadays, and the casualties had been high. He could not link those killings with Ne'os, but he wouldn't be too surprised if Ne'os was the culprit. "Reminiscing," he replied to Ne'os' question, as he gazed at his drink. "It feels that I have spent all my life fighting evil. And I will spend the remainder doing the same thing. And yet, I have achieved nothing," he explained. "When one villain goes, someone worse comes to take over. Speaking of which, your no longer head of your so called 'death eaters,' are you?"