"Let's reserve that in case that our own methods do not work," Khaat said. She already knew from Mari's description that Hitame had the mysterious illness that everyone else seemed to be getting. And she also knew that, at this point, symptomatic relief was about all they could provide.
Khaat laid her hand on Hitame's forehead. Yep. There it was. The energies felt the same to her touch as it did for everyone else that had it. Hitame had the fever, the congestion, the rash, the whole business. Khaat could draw off some of the fever with her touch, but the rest of it tended to fare better with potions. They didn't taste pleasant, but they did help allow people to feel somewhat better--until the illness worsened.
She went to the cabinet and drew out three potions--one for fever and discomfort, one for congestion, one for the itch. She mixed them together. They combined--the red one, the blue one, and the clear one--into a lavender colored mix. She handed it to Mari.
"Try giving this to her and see if this will help her reduce her symptoms for awhile," Khaat explained. "It will help her reduce her symptoms for awhile. Depending on how long she's had it, she may become more alert for awhile, or she may just sleep. You can repeat this mixture every 4 to 6 hours. And then if you need to, you can call Brian or me to help you draw off some of the fever. Oh, and here. This may help too." She got out a bottle of lotion. "This is pretty effective temporarily for the itch. It doesn't take the green color out of it, but it does stop that maddening itch. You can repeat that as often as she needs."