"I said we were short on staff, not short on funds," Robert attempted to clarify. "We have a number of employees who are more seriously affected by the illness. Basically those who assist with the quest or the research would become, in effect, temporary contract employees of the Ministry, meaning they only get paid for what the contract says we hire them for. If they are hired for questing, then thats what they get paid for, etc., but for only as long as the need lasts. When the task is completed, the contract is fulfilled and they no longer then are attached to the Ministry--unless they would apply for a permanent position. Does that make more sense?"
"Michael, I trust you can go see my secretary and bring back the necessary temporary contracts?" he asked.
"I can," Michael said. He deliberately shifted his eyes to Jack in a sly but silent invitation to come with.
"Don't dally very long or I shall come and fetch you," Robert said, knowingly.
"I have never needed fetching," Michael said. "I am always the fetcher, not the fetch-ee."