Varod swung in immediately through the window and landed lightly, a hand cradling Alessandra's head against his chest gently. "Sorry. Doors are overrated. Besides, I tried, but you've gotten new guards and they wouldn't let me through."
Walking smoothly through the room, he trailed a finger over the random objects. He tossed a miniature globe that he was sure was worth a lot high in the air before catching it behind his back and flipping it onto its stand.
"Well, Christy, I hate to ask you for help," he said, looking over at her. " and Ash have been attacked. For our baby. We suspect the Ministry over in England." As quickly as possible, he explained what had happened in the apartment, and why he thought they worked for the Ministry. "In short, we're in danger and we can't stay in the apartment. Like I told her, I have contacts in high places, and until we can find better arrangements, I'd like to ask if we can stay here, or somewhere safe that's in your control. Oh, and this is Alessandra. She's asleep, so if you get mad please don't yell."