OOC: oh, I don't know if you've seen Van Helsing, but thats basically Angus's look most of the time. Just fyi. you are more than welcome to pull up any of my character's apps and read them if that would help you.
Angus promptly brought a tray of mugs and put the tray on the table. "Ladies first," he smiled. He flicked his fingers at the tray of mugs and a mug floated gracefully to Kate and to Khaat. He flicked his fingers at the rest of the mugs, floating one to Sabe, Robert, Michael, Brian and leaving one for himself.
"And finally we get to meet the young man that has so totally captured Khaat's heart," Angus smiled. "Welcome, Sabe. I'm Angus Donohue. I've been working for Robert and Brian for a long time. I'm the caretaker of their estates and one of Khaat's bodyguards."
"He's being entirely too modest," Khaat smiled at Sabe. "Angus is a certified executive chef. He just finished his coursework a few months ago. He does the cooking for us, takes care of the maintenance of our estates and all the acreage that go with that, he helps us take care of all these babies, and he is a very very skilled auror. Oh, and let us not forget that he is one of the finest sea captain I have ever seen."
"And just how many have you seen, my dear?" Angus laughed.
Khaat ignored Angus's remark and looked at Sabe. "And these are my children. My oldest, Abbey--in the pink sundress. She'll be 2 in May. Dakota is, techically, Abbey's niece. Weird, I know. And Dakota will be 2 in June. Julia is the littlest girl, in the yellow sundress. Robert Remus is in the green shirt, and his identical twin brother, Michael Brian is in the purple shirt. The triplets will be 1 in August. I know you saw pictures, but those were a couple months old. Brian is actually their stepfather, but he's the only father they have ever known or will ever know, most likely. My ex is not known for his reliability. Anyway, we're just in time for breakfast. Daddy, after breakfast, will you double check my findings and Brians?"
"You did a physical then?" Robert asked.
"Yes, And Brian double checked me. I would like you to check our findings."
"Well, I certainly would not attempt to make a potion without it. Sabe, so you know, I've treated many veelas in my time and your symptoms are not at all uncommon. Its a genetic trait common to the veela race. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to develop a potion that eliminates forever all those negative symptoms, but I have had some success with a potion to reduce, and in most cases, eliminates the symptoms for a time. Whether it will work for you or not, and how effective it is, depends on your own body chemistry. That same body chemistry will also determine how often you take the potion and how much. That widely varies from person to person. Right now, I suggest we just enjoy a good meal. That is, if Michael hasn't already filled you all up."
"I wouldn't miss Angus's hollandaise sauce or his fruit salad for anything," Khaat smiled. "Come sit, Sabe. Anywhere you like. There aren't any assigned seats at our table, and there is always more room for family and friends." She motioned him to come to the table and just sit wherever he liked.