Selene froze when she heard someone say something to her after she had passed the cubicle. She turned around. "Sorry?" she asked in her strong french accent, it was slowly fading after a year in Britain though, and she was much more understandable now. "Oh... Triwizard? I erm... got a job 'ere is all." She said carefully, staring at the girl. Not many people recognized her from the fiery participant of the Tri-wizard tournament anymore. For a while that was all she heard about, and then it had just stopped, nearly as completely as her life had after Elijah Krum. He had offered to let her stay in his apartment for two weeks, it had been great, a good two weeks, and then she had left for work, and hadn't seen him again. Last she heard he was off getting engaged and striking up similar correspondences with girls her type.
Nothing had happened between them except a few kisses, as Selene had been to reserved for that to happen, but as it was.. her favorite artist must not have seen anything special in her after all, if he was able to just, drop her on her own, and leave her be to be a secretary at the Ministry of Magic. "It was a job, and I took it." She said, carefully pronouncing each word. It had been a major complaint from the moment she had come here, and she made sure to keep her accent clear, and easy to understand, but made sure not to sound like she was talking down at someone. She had had that problem early on, and had gotten a few complaints of her speaking slowly as though the other person was stupid, now she spoke quickly, and neatly, her French accent all but stamped out of her system.
"There were not any jobs in the department for me to take.. so I am a secretary, and here I am.." she said holding out her arms, showing a neat crisp skirt, and a nice blouse, her hair pinned up in a bun, and a very, secretary air to her, as she was holding lots of folders, and even had a few empty coffee cups floating in the air beside her. "Is there something I can get you? A book from the library.. or.. a cup of coffee?" she asked softly. Normally her cheeks would have been burning with shame, now she was just so used to it she didn't even care anymore.